I would like to request the latest Event Espresso Core v4.11.x so I can upgrade to the Event Espresso – WP Users (EE4.6) Plugin v2.1.3.p from v2.0.19.p.
I do not see this download on the downloads page when logged in.
At this time, I want to keep EE v4.x instead of upgrading to v5.
The last version of Event Espreso V4.XX.XX was v4.10.46 released March 5th 2023, there is no version 4.11.XX as we did a major version bump to version 5.XX.XX on hr next release.
At this time, I want to keep EE v4.x instead of upgrading to v5.
May I ask why?
EE5 essentially IS EE4 with the new advanced editor: