
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Kallyas Theme

Kallyas Theme

Posted: July 11, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Elizabeth Sarno

July 11, 2013 at 3:01 pm

Can you say whether the Kallyas WordPress Theme is compatible with Event Espresso? I am currently using the Incarnation Theme by and there is an issue with the avia.js component of the them and the multiple event registration plugin. I am thinking about going to the Kallyas Theme but want to know if there is anything there that would conflict with the multiple event registration plugin.

Kallyas Theme:


  • Support Staff

July 11, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Hi Elizabeth,

We’ve not tested the Kallyas theme with Event Espresso, so we really can’t vouch for it.

I followed up with your other post re: Multi Event Registration and your other theme. It seems to be working all right. It may have been something else causing the JS issue.

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