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IT Training Site Questions

Posted: July 13, 2012 at 12:36 pm

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Darren Burns

July 13, 2012 at 12:36 pm

I am looking at using Event Espresso for an IT training site similar to It seems like the personal license with the recurring events plugin would do the trick. Are there any other addons I might need to implement this or any suggestions you can make?

My client would like to add a pre-purchase system where a customer could purchase X number of classes for $X or Y number of classes for $Y. The customer would then use this credit to register for classes. Is this possible and what add-ons might be required to implement this?

If the pre-purchase system described above is possible is there a way the customer would be able to login and see how many classes they have left?

Many Thanks


  • Support Staff

July 13, 2012 at 2:19 pm

Hi Darren,

The way the registration process works is payment is made during the registration process. The one other add-on I would recommend would be the Multi Event Registration, as that would allow for more than one class to be registered for in the same transaction.

Event Espresso does not have a pre-purchase system at this time. The closest feature we have is the Groupon add-on, where groupons can be pre-purchased and used at a later time for registrations. The groupon add-on does not currently work with the Multi Event Registration add-on, though.

Darren Burns

July 18, 2012 at 12:26 pm

Thanks for your quick reply Josh and the Groupon suggestion. I had a look at Groupon and because these pre-purchases will be in the 5 figure range my client may not think it is the best option. 🙂

Can promotional codes be assigned a number of uses? I was thinking we could setup another means for clients to pre-purcahse courses and give them a promotional code that could be used X number of times.


  • Support Staff

July 18, 2012 at 2:46 pm

Promotional codes in Event Espresso 3.1 do not have the capability to accept quantity limits. This is a feature that will ship with Event Espresso 3.2. We are working on getting an early alpha release of Event Espresso 3.2, so it’s not something that will be ready right away, but I thought I’d mention that because I do not know your project timeline.

Darren Burns

July 19, 2012 at 4:55 pm

Thanks Josh. I think that will be ideal. For the moment my client could monitor the number of uses and disable the code when the limit has been reached.

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