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IT Training Site Questions (2)

Posted: January 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm

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John D

January 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm


I am very interested in your plugin. I have some questions:

  1. I use Payflow/Elevon as my payment processor. Can this be used or can you add this/customize this to accept this processor?

2.I need to run reports on the registrations/attendees. What reports are available. These are some I need: Attendee Type (i.e. which pricing level was purchased), total attendees (with name/company), who has paid using the “Invoice me” option and who has not.

  1. On the “Seating” add-on. Can I change this to “Booths” rather than “Seats”?
  2. How does refunding an Attendee work?
  3. Can these registrant pricing levels exist: 1. Attendee ($25) 2. Exhibitor ($30) 3. Additional Exhibitor ($10). (Can I make it so a registrant can choose multiple of these options? Example: qty 2 Attendees, qty 1 Exhibitor, qty 4 Additional exhibitors)
  4. Can registrations be modified after they are submitted? For example updating contact info, chosen pricing level, etc.

Thank you, very excited about your plugin.

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

January 16, 2013 at 4:27 pm

With Event Espresso 3.1 –

  1. Event Espresso is not yet integrated with Payflow.
  2. Generally we let you download all the data so you can create any reports that you want. Although we’re building some additional reports in version later 2013.
  3. Sure
  4. You can cancel a registration in Event Espresso so it doesn’t take up a seat, but you have to refund the money through your gateway.
  5. Yes, with the Multiple Event Registration addon (
  6. yes, you can edit attendee details/registrations at any time.
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