
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Issues viewing/retrieving all attendees

Issues viewing/retrieving all attendees

Posted: December 4, 2013 at 9:45 am

Al Joly

December 4, 2013 at 9:45 am

Issue is two-fold;

First, I get a white screen when I try and view all attendees. We imported attendees for past events into our website so we can view them. We have 30,000 attendees.

When select ‘All’ and click Retrieve, the page partially loads until the title of the event then the rest is blank – not displaying any attendees.

Secondly, If I go to Event Overview, filter status to ALL (Active/Inactive), Click All Attendees (the total number is correct for all events). This loads properly BUT EE only loads 50 records. So to search all attendees for all events I click to Retrieve All but when that loads it only loads all attendees for current events.

Sidney Harrell

December 4, 2013 at 1:56 pm

I think the issue with the second issue is this line (251 in includes/admin-files/admin_reports_filters.php):

$remove = array( 'month_range', 'category_id', 'event_status', 'payment_status' );

it should probably be changed to:

if (isset($_REQUEST['event_admin_reports']) {
   $remove = array( 'month_range', 'category_id', 'payment_status' );
} else {
   $remove = array( 'month_range', 'category_id', 'event_status', 'payment_status' );

If you don’t want to change the code, you can get the same result by going to Event Overview, filter status to ALL (Active/Inactive), click to Retrieve All, then clicking All Attendees. The above code change should make it work if you do it in your original order, as well.

Al Joly

December 4, 2013 at 4:57 pm

Thanks, I will try that. But the big issue is with the attendees not loading – First Issue.


  • Support Staff

December 5, 2013 at 1:59 am

Hi Al Joly,

Could you try enabling WP_DEBUG and loading all the attendees once again and see what error is thrown please?

I suspect loading 30,000 attendees is hitting the servers memory allocation limit.

Al Joly

December 5, 2013 at 10:37 am

Sidney – When I implement the code change you provided this is the error I get;

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home/path/to/root/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1542

Al Joly

December 5, 2013 at 10:43 am

Tony – I enabled debug but there was not an error thrown.


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2013 at 8:44 am

Looks like your server is hitting its memory limit. You may need to contact your host and see if they can increase it.

Al Joly

December 6, 2013 at 10:37 am

Ok. But the code that Sidney provided still throw that error.


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2013 at 10:42 am

And that error says the server is out of memory.

Al Joly

December 6, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Can I ask your recommendation? What do you recommend for companies using EE that have lot’s of attendees?


December 9, 2013 at 12:45 am


Well if your hosting is shared hosting, I would start by asking the host if there is any way to increase your sites memory allocation.

Other than that it would be to go to the next step in hosting, from shared to a VPS server.

Al Joly

December 18, 2013 at 2:57 pm

We are getting the blank screen again, page loads but attendees do not (just white). This is happening when we click “All attendees”, then filter by month and select December. This is about 300 attendees.

Do you think that this is the memory limit as well? Because I can understand not loading 30,000, but not loading 300 seems weird since I would think almost everything using EE would have more then 300 attendees.


December 19, 2013 at 6:31 am


It *could* be the memory issue still, though one would think that a standard hosting package has enough memory to cope with 300 or more attendees.

Did you ask the host regarding the memory issue?

Al Joly

December 19, 2013 at 10:34 am

I cannot change the value unless we switch to a VPS. How can I determine if the 300 attendees is a memory issue? Are you able to assist? I enabled WP DEBUG but that section did not throw an error.

Sidney Harrell

December 19, 2013 at 11:00 am

Are the login credentials that you sent in still good? We can take a quick look around and try to see what the problem is.

Al Joly

December 19, 2013 at 1:49 pm

I provided you access to the development website. The development website is on a different server (that has ability to change memory limit).

Al Joly

December 19, 2013 at 4:06 pm

I loaded the live db to dev and actually experience the same issue.

Please test using the details I provided.

Event Overview -> All Attendees -> Filter by December.

Al Joly

December 19, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Hey Dean/Sidney, I have ruled out the server memory. That isn’t the issue. My dev site has those values modified but we still experience this.

If I go to All Attendees it loads over 400 fine. Then if I filter by December, it doesn’t load any, just shows white screen. December is less attendees so couldn’t be memory – if it was the “all attendees” wouldn’t load.

Sidney Harrell

December 19, 2013 at 5:32 pm

It looks like the sql that is generated by the month filter looks like this:

SELECT a.*, event_id, e.event_name, checked_in FROM wp_events_attendee a JOIN wp_events_detail e ON WHERE e.is_active = "Y" AND ( e.event_status = "A" OR e.event_status = "O" ) AND BETWEEN "2013-12-01" AND "2013-12-31" ORDER BY date DESC, id ASC LIMIT 100000 OFFSET 01

which is slightly different than the sql that gets the count of attendees in this month:

SELECT SUM(a.quantity) quantity FROM wp_events_attendee a JOIN wp_events_detail e ON WHERE e.is_active = "Y" AND ( e.event_status = "A" OR e.event_status = "O" ) AND ( e.end_date >= "2013-12-19" OR e.event_status = "O" ) AND date BETWEEN '2013-12-01' AND '2013-12-31'

So I turned around the query to look for the difference:

SELECT COUNT( as count FROM wp_events_attendee a JOIN wp_events_detail e ON WHERE e.is_active = "Y" AND e.event_status = "A" AND e.end_date < "2013-12-19";

and the count generated is 30659.
The problem is the 74 events retrieved by

SELECT id FROM wp_events_detail e WHERE e.is_active = "Y" AND e.event_status = "A" AND e.end_date < "2013-12-19";

that have end dates in the past, but which still have active status. You can run a simple sql query on the db to turn those 74 events to not active status.

Al Joly

December 20, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Hi Sidney,

Sorry, I don’t quite understand the problem or the solution?

Sidney Harrell

December 20, 2013 at 1:39 pm

The count that is showing in the admin for this month is for the number of attendees who registered in this month for active or ongoing events whose end date is in the future. When you use the month filter to pull up those attendees, it is trying to give you the attendees who registered in this month for active or ongoing events, regardless of whether the end date for that event is in the future. The logic is when you are pulling up a list of attendees, you want to include the attendees on events that have already happened.
I went in to event 112, that has 29000 attendees and changed “Is this an Active Event?” to “No” and it now loads the attendees for December.

Al Joly

December 23, 2013 at 10:08 am

Thank you SO much. Really appreciate it.

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