
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Issues after update with attendee info

Issues after update with attendee info

Posted: November 29, 2012 at 7:35 am

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November 29, 2012 at 7:35 am

  1. Custom questions (ex: dog’s name and age) are not showing up in the attendee info area after the recent update.
  2. Not letting update payment options in the attendee area. (ex: changing from pending to completed and adding payment type)
    Gives error message:

An error occured. The primary attendee details could not be retrieved from the database.



  • Support Staff

November 29, 2012 at 10:55 am

Hi there,

Which version are you on right now? If you have a database backup from just before the update, I can recommend rolling back to the previous version. There was a bug in versions .28.1 and .28.3 that had the potential to overwrite the custom questions if other attendee info was changed.

The second issue you reported is a known issue in Event Espresso 3.1.28, and has been fixed in the development version. What’s happening there is the older primary attendee data was not getting updated when the database update script ran. This has been fixed and will be in the very next release.

So if you can roll back the site to use a database snapshot from when it was running temporarily, that may be the best option until we get the next update out.

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