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Issue Accessing Plugin Addons

Posted: May 3, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Alex Silver

May 3, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Hi there,

I’m actually really troubled as to the way you are operating your business. When I first “purchased” Event Espresso a couple of years ago, I was under the impression that it was a one-time license fee. I have no issues paying for “major” upgrades, but updates to basic elements is sort of ridiculous. I was never told that my license was going to expire. <br><br>

I understand you want to get people to pay for updates… that’s okay (although the prices have climbed a bit). But the fact that I cannot even access the last version (or any version) of plugin add-ons that I had access to in the past is not making sense. I am currently using the plugin, and wanted to take advantage of my BASIC roles add-on that was always hanging out in my account. Now, I see it does not even show up, and I am prompted to RENEW a license (which was never implied to be a “term” license at my purchase time).<br><br>

I’m not typically a complainer. I know software deserves to get paid for the development, but I would’ve expected at least access to legacy versions. Since I would’ve had to pay to contact support, I’m posting this here (which isn’t even my normal support forum). Please advise.<br>



May 6, 2013 at 1:54 am

Hi Alex,

I am sorry for the changes in our business model, it was necessary to ensure the growth and stability of Event Espresso.

The model now follows a pretty standard way that most online services operate especially WordPress related ones, and ours specifically provides 1 year of support and software updates.

If you originally purchased the plugin when our licence was different, then you can email sales @ and have a chat with our sales team as they may be able to assist you further with this and come to a satisfactory resolution for you.

Ideally if you can include a copy of your original purchase email/proof, that will help a lot.

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