
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Is there a way to prevent people from signing up for an event?

Is there a way to prevent people from signing up for an event?

Posted: July 12, 2012 at 6:24 am

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July 12, 2012 at 6:24 am

Hi — I use Event Espresso for a weekend event in which people can choose to either register for the full event (which includes everything) or sign up for individual workshops. Last year, despite our very clear instructions, some people who had signed up for the full event also signed up for individual workshops, not understanding that the individual workshops were covered in the price of the full event. Lesson: people don’t read instructions.

I’d like to make it impossible for someone to sign up for the individual workshops if they’ve chosen to register for the full event. Is there any way to do that in Event Espresso?


  • Support Staff

July 12, 2012 at 9:34 am

Making it impossible would be very difficult, or possibly impossible.

What I would suggest would be to create two registration paths: One for the full event, the other for the individual workshops. It could be something as simple as creating a page with two clearly defined choices: Register for the main event -or- choose individual workshops. Two large buttons side by side could be one way to present this.
For the first choice, link to the main event page or add that event to the cart and direct them to the cart. Also be sure to remove any navigation to the other events once they are on this path.

For the second choice, link them to the list of events and be sure to exclude the main event as an option.

Anthony DiPietro

July 25, 2012 at 2:08 pm

Is there a way to prevent a user from registering for multiple events that occur at the same time?


July 25, 2012 at 2:39 pm

I think the way Josh described it would work. Basically set up separate registration pages for each event or each group of events that you want to list together. Then from your main registration page, provide links to the individual registration pages for the individual events. That’ll prevent people from seeing the whole list and registering for events that happen at the same time. Event Espresso events have individual IDs, and there’s a shortcode for listing just an individual event:

[SINGLEEVENT single_event_id=”place your event ID here”]

That should work.

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