
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Is there a resolution to Todays events not showing in Ticketing App?

Is there a resolution to Todays events not showing in Ticketing App?

Posted: January 19, 2013 at 8:04 pm

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January 19, 2013 at 8:04 pm

Have I missed a resolution to this problem, or is there an update on when this will be a fixed? The only thread I can find is closed to comments.


January 20, 2013 at 11:48 pm

Hello Peter,

I wasn’t aware this was an issue. Have you made sure you have the most up to date Ticketing add on and the Services code?


January 21, 2013 at 7:48 am

This is the thread about the filtering not working (October 5, 2012)
I have not seen an update since and I have the latest versions installed (the filter_events.php file in the expresso-services file is dated 09/28/2012 as in the latest download available.

Events that span more than the day show in the Today filter, but all events that open and close on the day show up in the past events. You have to scroll to the bottom of the list to see them. This a real pain with a lot of past events, when naturally the list keeps getting longer.
Deleting past events reduces this list but also stops you viewing past attendee data in the dashboard.

Seth Shoultes

January 21, 2013 at 11:26 am

Basically we do not have the capabilities in current version of the app to make it work correctly. The original app developers have disappeared and we were forced to hire a new iOS developer. That being said, we are in the process of releasing a completely rewritten version of the app and a new API to support the new version of the app. We are hoping to have it available for testing in the coming weeks/months.

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