
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium iOS/Android app – loading attendees

iOS/Android app – loading attendees

Posted: July 14, 2014 at 3:15 pm

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July 14, 2014 at 3:15 pm

We have close to 2,000 attendees for our event and growing – and we just want to make sure that our app will be loading all of the attendees to be scanned at the door. Currently it seems it is only loading 1500. Is there anything special I need to do in the app settings or server side to ensure the maximum attendees get loaded?

Also, when you do a scan, does it check locally for the qr code – or does it ping the server?



  • Support Staff

July 14, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Hi jomo,

It pings the server when you scan the code. You’ll want to make sure you have the very latest versions of the apps because there were fixes related to having more than 2000 attendees.

Have you checked the iOS app settings and the Espresso API plugin’s settings? Those can be set to higher than 2000 (or unlimited).

Also, when you check the app and it’s saying 1500, is that the number of attendees or number of registrations? In Event Espresso 3 one registration can have more than one attendee associated with it.


July 25, 2014 at 4:11 pm

On Android it is only loading 1500 attendees and then stops. I have searched for recent registrations – and they are not showing up in the app – we have about 2200 attendees so far…

On iOS – i can’t even login as i get a “cocoa error 3840”

I have the max attendees in the event set to [empty] to make it unlimited.


July 25, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Update: i managed to get iOS to login by uninstalling remnants of WP-supercache that i didn’t realize was still hanging around.

Problem: I still cannot load all of my attendees in both apps.
Android only loads 1500 Attendees
iOS only loads 1000 attendees. (it seems the unlimited setting is not working)

Please advise.
When scanning QR codes to check in attendees (on both apps), will that ping the server for registered users, even though they may not be loaded locally on the phone? We are just concerned that the app will not be able to check people in if they are not loaded into the app locally. Ideally we could get the “unlimited” amount of attendees to load into our apps.

thank you!


July 26, 2014 at 4:13 am

Also, in API settings (2.12), if i put a value in larger than 1000 for registrations or attendees – the iOS app returns: NO REGISTRATIONS 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
as soon as i put it under 1000 it works fine.


  • Support Staff

July 28, 2014 at 7:01 am

Hi jomo,

It sounds like your server may be hitting a memory limit or a query limit. It may help to lower the site’s memory footprint by reducing the amount of WP plugins installed.

Another thing to note: If the JSON API settings are left left blank it doesn’t understand that as unlimited, you’ll need to enter a number there.


July 28, 2014 at 7:24 am

I have no more plugins running than we did have running last year for this event – in fact i probably have less running. Last year it was able to load 1500+ on both apps no problem.

I have all of my memory maxed out on media temple servers, and am running a separate DB container to make things as efficient as possible.

Currently i have the API setting to 1000 – because if i set it to 1001 or higher, the iOS pull NO REGISTRATIONS 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.
Android maxes out at 1500. To me it seems the apps do not recognize the “unlimited” setting on iOS, and the “LOAD max attendees” on Android.

I think Seth(your lead dev) had this problem with a client and got it resolved somehow.

We really need to be able to load ALL of our attendees into the app as we have a crew of 8 with android/ios devices scanning at the door. If the attendee isn’t loaded into the system – it seems to take about 30 seconds plus to ping the server and check them in – which is going to cause nightmares at our entry points. Currently we have about 2500 attendees and our event is in two weeks.

Appreciate anything you can do to help me get this resolved.


  • Support Staff

July 28, 2014 at 8:38 am

Hi Jomo,

Are these the very latest versions of the app? The problem that you referred to where Seth got it resolved somehow was resolved in the latest versions of the apps.


July 28, 2014 at 8:47 am

yes – both are up to date.


July 28, 2014 at 4:21 pm

Any ideas on what i can do to get these apps to pull in all attendees?


  • Support Staff

July 28, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Hi there,

They normally do, we’ve have 4000 attendee records successfully loading up when we test the same apps. I’ll check with the other support staff when they’re back only to see if they have any further ideas.


  • Support Staff

July 29, 2014 at 3:35 pm

Hi Jomo,

The local attendees are basically only loaded to allow you to manually check-in attendee’s, even when all attendees are loaded each scan will ping the server to check for the registration.

I tested the Android app which and could load over 4000 registrations, I did manage to force the app to timeout and not load the attendee’s, I then scanned a ticket for one of the attendees and it instantly checked that attendee in.

When using the Android app if you check in an attendee when the list is not loading do you get the same result or different?


July 29, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Ok – i may have to have you guys login in with your apps and try out – because both of my apps are not loading all attendees.

-Android maxes out at 1500 – It initially starts out saying 1 of 1500 – so that makes me think that somehow the app is setting that limit

-iOS Maxes out at 1000
If if i set a number over 1000 in the api – iOS pulls an error everytime

Both seem to ignore the “Load Max” or use “Unlimited” settings.

I also tried searching for most recent people on the app that registered – and they do not show up, as it seems to be searching locally on the device.

If i check in attendee – that is not loaded locally – it pings the server.. which seems to take about 30 seconds to process – which will definitely create problems with 4000 people trying to check in.


  • Support Staff

July 30, 2014 at 7:29 am

On the Android app ‘Load MAX Attendees’ needs to be set to OFF in order for the App to ignore the App limit of 1500 and use the API settings.

So when you tap the 3 dots for the settings you should see ‘Load MAX Attendees: OFF’, if it is ON tap that setting.

You’ll then see a message stating ‘Your Server now controls the Max Number of Attendees’

I have issued a ticket to have this phrasing changed to make this clearer. When set to OFF the android app will attempt to retrieve the amount of ‘Attendees’ set in the API settings. This needs to be a number and not ‘Unlimited’ try setting this to say 3000.

The live search will only search the local list as that is intended for manual check-ins.

If you could provide temporary login details I’ll login using the apps and see what results I get, please use this form to provide login details securely:


July 30, 2014 at 10:48 am



  • Support Staff

July 31, 2014 at 9:07 am

Hi Jomo,

We’ve been running various tests with both apps on your site.

The iOS app issue I can not reproduce locally, I do see an issue with large numbers of attendees, but mine is different to the error on your site.

I ran some tests using the JSON API on your events and it returned a whitescreen, can you enable, could you enable WP_Debug on the site so we can see if that screen is throwing any errors?

I suspect the JSON API is hitting either a memory or query limit on the server.


July 31, 2014 at 9:16 am

Ok – I enabled wp_debug


  • Support Staff

July 31, 2014 at 9:59 am

Thank you.

I ran some tests on the JSON API, with WP_Debug active we can see the server is hitting the memory limit.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 103809024 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 100 bytes) in /wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1565

Calling the attendee list is one of the most intensive operations EE performs and as such uses more of the server memory. From your previous replies it looks like you may have already set the WP Memory Limit

It looks like the server currently has a limit of 99MB, if this is the value set within wp-config.php you may want to try upping this although it will depend on you host as to the value you can set and weather or not they override this value with their own.

You may need to contact your host to have this value upped, the higher the better really. 128MB or 256MB if possible.


  • Support Staff

July 31, 2014 at 10:00 am

Also, you can now disable WP_Debug to remove the notices from view.


July 31, 2014 at 10:41 am

Ok thanks!
I contacted my host – and they have a memory limit of 99 on their shared servers… so i guess i am going to have migrate to a new server environment.

Just to confirm – if we migrate and set our limit to 256+ that will ensure that all 2500+ will load both on iOS and Android apps – correct?


July 31, 2014 at 10:46 am

Also, i will probably migrate to a MediaTemple Dedicated DV server – have you or any customers had any problems with this environment in the past? i am hoping they can just migrate the site over – and not effect anything in EE – and not open up another can of worms.


  • Support Staff

July 31, 2014 at 11:41 am

Just to confirm – if we migrate and set our limit to 256+ that will ensure that all 2500+ will load both on iOS and Android apps – correct?

Unfortunately that’s not something I can give a definitive answer on as each server is different.

As a guide, on one of my shared severs I needed to up the PHP execution time to 90 seconds and the memory limit to 256MB to load 3000 attendees with multiple registration questions.

I could then load all 3000 attendees within both the Android and iOS apps without issue. (The iOS app needed the Timeout settings changed for the app Settings -> Event Espresso -> Timeout)

Also, i will probably migrate to a MediaTemple Dedicated DV server – have you or any customers had any problems with this environment in the past?

Personally I have not used MediaTemple but I will ask the other members of our team if anyone has had any experience using them.


August 6, 2014 at 11:33 pm

Ok – i have succesfully upgraded to a DV server and it seems to be pulling in 2500+ attendees on the app.

NEXT PROBLEM: While my host was making the switch – they had two instances of the database – so basically when they took new one live –
i had a couple days of orders that are on the old DB which are now not on the new DB – i think there is probably about 50+ orders in this group that i need to somehow add back into the system –

how can import these names and make sure QR codes will work?

Sidney Harrell

August 7, 2014 at 9:22 pm

Hey Jomo,
Nice to meet you. I just have one question. Are you for real? Is this for GWAR? The GWAR? No Problem. Just let me know what you need. Make sure that we have WP, FTP, and MySql access for both sites and I’ll make sure all the data is migrated over.


August 9, 2014 at 4:13 pm

*** URGENT ***


August 9, 2014 at 4:16 pm

I updated my hosting account one that can support more memory for wordpress – so i can access all of the attendees on the app 3000+

Android works fine – and pulls all of them in.
The iPhone app stops at 1000 still –
In the api if i put anything above 1000 it pulls the same server error 500?

our event is less than a week away and I NEED THIS TO WORK ON IPHONE!
please advise…
i have memory set to 128 – do i need to set it higher????


August 9, 2014 at 4:44 pm

I have my server memory cranked to 512mb – and i am getting

no registrations 500-server error
and 502 bad gateway – back and forth

on iphone devices –
android is fine.

please advise!!


  • Support Staff

August 11, 2014 at 10:23 am

Hi Jomo,

Can you provide login details once again so we can investigate this please?

Please use this form:

We’ll likely need to alter the API settings and may need WP_Debug to be enabled again.

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Tony.


August 13, 2014 at 12:17 pm

Hi Tony – i think Seth and i got it worked out.
with 3000+ attendees – we need a min of 256 memory for wordpress, and increased API timeout times to at least 5min so it gives the app enough time to download attendees.

both apps are working now – so hopefully this will help with any documentation for future issues.

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