
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Invoice payment method not working in

Invoice payment method not working in

Posted: July 19, 2012 at 5:56 pm

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James Nimmo

July 19, 2012 at 5:56 pm

Hi there,

I was getting a weird error message in the Manage Payment Gateways section on 3.1.24P when trying to use invoices, so upgraded to
Now it works correctly in the payment gateways, but I am getting a new error message on the screen to make a payment.

It looks like it is trying to find the html_invoice folder, when only an invoice folder exists in the gateways directory.

The error is:

Warning: require_once(/usr/local/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso//gateways/html_invoice/init.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/includes/functions/main.php on line 1050

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/usr/local/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso//gateways/html_invoice/init.php' (include_path='.:.:.::/usr/local/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/mailchimp-widget/lib') in /usr/local/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/includes/functions/main.php on line 1050


James Nimmo

July 19, 2012 at 7:29 pm

Got it sorted out – I copied across the old html_invoice folder into the new build, then it showed up two invoice methods.

I deactivated both invoice methods, deleted the html_invoice folder from the new one and then reactivated the remaining invoice one.

All working nicely, thanks

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