
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium invoice Payment – Change the content of the pdf document

invoice Payment – Change the content of the pdf document

Posted: October 29, 2012 at 4:44 am

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Peter Meier

October 29, 2012 at 4:44 am

I am use the invoice Payment Function …
How can I change the downloaded pdf document for it?


October 29, 2012 at 5:06 am

Hello Peter,

The PDF is somewhat difficult to change – we are looking to implement an HTML to PDf feature int he future rather than the PHP to PDF that it is currently.

The files that control the PDF are mainly in the event-espresso/gateways/invoice directory.

What are you trying to change?

Peter Meier

October 30, 2012 at 5:27 am

Hello Dean,

this was the informationen which I needed:
event-espresso/gateways/invoice directory

After I found the right file (template.php) it was easy to replace the english expression with the german one.

for example
Primary Attendee ID:
is now
Teilnehmer ID:

best regards 🙂


October 30, 2012 at 5:38 am

Hi Peter,

That’s strange that should have been translated via the translation files already.

Peter Meier

October 31, 2012 at 1:59 am

How does this work?


October 31, 2012 at 2:22 am

If your WordPress installation has been changed to support a language other than English, then Event Espresso will change to the appropriate language if supported. German is quite well supported

Here is the WordPress information on changing the language, it’s not the best instructions, but scroll down to the Using Localisations bit

Peter Meier

October 31, 2012 at 3:46 am

Hi Dean,

I can’t stand your instructions, so I search for another one and found this tutorial:

we use the WordPress-multisite-installation so I am interested on this chapter: “2. Define the language of your site in wp-config.php (Site Settings in Multisite)”

this configuration is done now:
define (‘WPLANG’, ‘de_DE’); in the wp-config.php file


set wplang-parameter: de_DE

but it doesn’ work

my question is:
How I tell espresso to use the “event_espresso-de_DE.po”-File instead of the englisch one?


October 31, 2012 at 4:00 am

Hi Peter,

It should just be a case of setting the language in WordPress. Have you copied over the correct language files to your WordPress installation (wp-includes/languages directory)?

Peter Meier

November 1, 2012 at 3:35 am

Hi Dean,

you can copied the language-Files in /wp-content OR /wp-includes

I copied to wp-content/languages/ …

this directory contains the following files:

for all this files exists addionally a *.mo file

What is wrong?


November 1, 2012 at 4:25 am

Hi Peter,

The event espresso language files dont need to be copied over they work from the plugin.

I havent tested thi out on multisite, so perhaps that is the issue, but in my local installation this is what i did:

  • downloaded a po & mo file from WordPress (French in this case)
  • copied them to wp-includes/languages.
  • Changed my wp-config.php to state define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
  • Refreshed my WordPress screen.

Event Espresso instantly kicked in with the French translations.

If you WordPress installation is coming up in German, and Event Espresso isn’t, then I have to think either the process hasn’t been followed correctly or we are missing something regarding multisite.

WordPress says re multisite (

If you have a site network (WordPress multisite), the language is set
on a per-blog basis through the “Site language” option in the
Settings->General subpanel.

You can set the default language for the entire network under the
Network Admin->Settings panel (“Default Language”).

Peter Meier

November 2, 2012 at 5:21 am

Hi Dean,

This is what i did:

  1. downloaded a po & mo file from WordPress ( them to wp-includes/languages
  2. controlled my wp-config.php to state define (‘WPLANG’, ‘de_DE’);
  3. controlled my site network-configuration:
    a.) the default language for the entire network under the Network Admin->Settings panel (“Default Language”) is set to german
    b.) the languages for the single blogs are set to german
    logged out and then logged in

nothing changed …. the espresso expressions in the called documents still worked in english

after that I delete “wp-includes/languages” and I copied the called language-Files to wp-content/languages

nothing changed …. the espresso expressions in the called documents still worked in english

After that I searched for a PlugIn which install the language files automatically. In this way I can exclude installation failures which happens by manual installation ….

But I didn’t find any useful plugin (xili-dictionary, global translater, …). Do you know a useful PlugIn for this task?

the conclusion is:

the wordpress language-configuraion is ok, but the espresso-language-function doesn’t work …
How can I tell espresso it should take the actual “event_espresso-de_DE.po”-File?


November 2, 2012 at 5:51 am

Hi Peter,

Though we don’t specifically support Multisite, I decided to install a local multisite installation.

Using your instructions above I installed both French, then German languages.

The Multisite installation doesnt change languages but Event Espresso does –

I used the language files for WordPress found here,, I just renamed them the de_DE.po/mo

So the language files shipped with Event Espresso do work, it may just be a multisite issue.

Peter Meier

November 5, 2012 at 7:48 am

Hi Dean,

this is what i did:

  1. downloaded the language files for WordPress
  2. renamed them to de_DE.po/mo and uploaded that to “wp-content/languages” via FTP
  3. refresh my WordPress screen and saw that the translation-funktion didn’t worked any longer…
  4. looked inside the Rosetta po-File and found instructions like “#: mu-plugins/rosetta.php:146”
  5. search for rosetta.php in “mu-plugins” and can’t found there
  6. so I searched the file with google or directly here (
    but i didn’t find it
  7. suspected that it exists an plugIn and search, find and installed the rosetta-plugin (especially for multi-site-language options)
  8. the plugin doesn’t worked in a mulitsite installation in the free version – so I deinstalled it

Where can I found the required files? for example rosetta.php, …

PS: Why you choose the rosetta-language files ? Why you think that this on solve the probelem?

Sports Marketing Forum

November 5, 2012 at 10:16 am

I have just the same problem. Even tought is translated (spanish event espresso .po is somewhat innacurate but very complete) and the pdf does not change.


November 6, 2012 at 3:39 am

@Peter. I chose the rosetta PO/MO files as they were the only ones I found via the English language WordPress site – see the Subversion Repository here

However, to try and get this resolved, I went to and downloaded the zip file. I copied the languages folder (the entire folder) to my WPMU site wp-includes folder. I made sure the wp-config was set to de_DE. WordPress came up in German, Event Espresso came up in German. Screenshot

@Sports Marketing Hi, this is a slightly different question so really deserves its own thread. However, though most of the plugin is translatable certain areas may not be, we are always working to to improve that aspect. We are looking to improve the PDF invoices in the future by swapping it over to an HTML base which will allow much easier translations than our current set up.

Peter Meier

November 8, 2012 at 1:36 am

Hi Dean,

excuse me for my lately feedback.

I made a test yesterday morning!

I had deleted the english language file “wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/languages/event_espresso-en_US.po” and after that I am refreshed the screen with this page “”

The translated expressions didn’t change. 
my question: From which file espresso read the translated expressions.


Then I had deleted the german language file “wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/languages/event_espresso-de_DE.po” too
and after that I am refreshed the screen with this page “”

The german expressions changed to the english ones.


the conclusion question is:

The script reads the expressions Datum, Startzeit und Endzeit  from the “event_espresso-de_DE.po”-file but from which file the script reads the english expressions, above all this ones: Personal Information, First Name, Last Name, Email


November 8, 2012 at 3:00 am

Hi, The plugin is written in English so everything is in English. What happens is that WordPress will look for language files, and if it finds them it will convert WordPress to that language. Event Espresso then loads and checks what language WordPress is in and then loads the corresponding language file. The German translation (event_espresso-de_DE.po is only 91% complete at the last count, with around 2400 translatable words and phrases. And yes there are some words/phrases that are currently untranslatable.

It isnt translatable as it is the Questions. You can edit the core questions to change the basic terms like Name, so you can translate it directly there.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Dean. Reason: changed my answer

Peter Meier

November 9, 2012 at 3:43 am

Hi Dean,

thank you for your good feedback.
Ok, the problem is clear now, but how I can solve it?

Where I can find the core questions to change the basic terms?


November 9, 2012 at 3:59 am


In WordPress go to Event Espresso > Questions then hover your mouse over the question you want to change and hit Edit. Then you can change the Question name from First name to whatever that is in German, update the question and do the same with other questions. You can do the same with the Question group as well.

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