
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Invoice option – how to submit?

Invoice option – how to submit?

Posted: December 18, 2012 at 11:54 am

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Byron Cox

December 18, 2012 at 11:54 am

I’m giving my users the choice of paying by credit card or downloading the invoice and mailing payment. If they choose they invoicing option, how do they submit the registration? Currently, I only see the ability to “Complete Purchase” but it won’t allow it since credit card payment hasn’t been received.

Jonathan Wilson

December 18, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Hi Byron,

Can you share the link to your site so we can see what’s going on?

Are you on the latest version of EE? It will allow you to display buttons that the registrants can click to decide which payment option they want. Then, a dropdown will display where they can enter their info, or download the invoice. It’s alot less confusing.

Byron Cox

December 18, 2012 at 2:33 pm

I see what you’re talking about but not sure how they then go ahead and submit their registration after they’ve downloaded their invoice. I’m probably completely missing something here.


You can go here to see a course to register for:

Jonathan Wilson

December 18, 2012 at 3:10 pm

Once you get to the payment options page, the information is already in the database. You will see it in the dashboard. The payment status will show as incomplete, until you either change it manually (after receiving payment), or they process payment by credit card option.

Byron Cox

December 18, 2012 at 3:25 pm

ok, that makes sense although I’m not sure it’s very intuitive for a user to download the invoice and then just assume they are all registered. Perhaps some instruction language will take care of that though. Thanks!

Jonathan Wilson

December 18, 2012 at 3:28 pm


The user has to click the “Confirm Registration” button to submit their information. We assume that this is enough to let them know that this will submit their information for the registration, then on the next page, they are notified that the registration isn’t complete until a payment is received. But yes, you can also add more instruction information if needed. 🙂

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