
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Invoice Issues (2)

Invoice Issues (2)

Posted: January 13, 2015 at 12:21 pm

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Ivis Davila-Paz

January 13, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Good afternoon,

We are confronting problems with the Invoice generated by EE3. It does not include the 7% tax charged, nor special clause for Gov.Corporations. It also does not include the date of the purchase. All this info is necessary for financial records and annual audit process, for both ourselves and our clients.
Please, help. Thanks.


  • Support Staff

January 15, 2015 at 5:52 am

Hi Ivis,

Some of this is due to limitation with how EE3 stores the pricing info for the attendee which we have improved dramatically with EE4.

If the 7% surcharge is applied to all of your pricing we can provide a snippet of code to calculate the price before tax which can then be displayed within the the invoice.

I’m not sure what ‘special clause for Gov.Corporations’ means can you explain this a little further please?

Ivis Davila-Paz

January 21, 2015 at 12:22 pm

Thank you Tony. The Gov clause has been resolved.

Could you facilitate the “snippet of code” to our corporate email *REMOVED* so we can FWD to our webmaster?

To make the issue clear. The invoice must display the price payed by member (with 7% tax included). All invoices must have it by default.

Any guidelines on how to apply this code are more than welcome too.

Thank you.

  • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Tony. Reason: Removed email address


  • Support Staff

January 26, 2015 at 7:16 am

To make the issue clear. The invoice must display the price payed by member (with 7% tax included). All invoices must have it by default.

Do you need to display the price before and after tax?

Have you set the default surcharge within Event Espresso -> General Settings –

And also input the price (excluding tax) within the tickets? Checking that the 7% surcharge is also set –

Doing so will show the price of the ticket (so 200 for this example) + the surcharge percentage on the registration page –

The invoice would show the full amount of the ticket (including tax) –

To show you a breakdown of both before and after tax on the invoice you can copy the Invoice gateway within:


Within there will be an ‘Invoice’ directory, copy that to:


Then in that location add this function to function.pdf.php within the Espresso_PDF class:

For example, you could place that function after the closing bracket } on line 95… like so –

Then in template.php place these two lines:

Where you would like to display the tax amount and price before tax, for example just after line 186. Although this depends on how you would like to display the info.

This would look something like –

To note this will not work correctly with MER registrations.

Does that help?

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