
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Invoice is not being emailed to the person that registers for an event

Invoice is not being emailed to the person that registers for an event

Posted: January 13, 2014 at 9:37 pm


January 13, 2014 at 9:37 pm

Hi There
I’m using wordpress version – 3.8
and event espresso version Version
There is currently only one test event at this URL

the main issue is that an invoice is not automatically sent to the person booking the event once they register and pay for an event.

The following is a breakdown of the emails sent/received

Admin receives: 2 email notices: 1) Payment receipt from paypal and 2) Registration confirmation – which has a link to download the invoice as a pdf

A guest or registrant receives 1) FW: Payment Received for 2) FW: Booking Confirmation

And the person who makes the booking receives the following: 1) Payment Received notice with transaction id and the amount 2) Booking Confirmation 3) Your payment to .. receipt from paypal …. but no actual invoice or am email with a download link the same as the invoice sent to centre support admin email.

Is there some other place this needs to be switched on ? it seems logical that the person paying for the event would actually be receiving the invoice.

Thanks for your assistance


  • Support Staff

January 14, 2014 at 8:27 am

Hi Kira,

Invoices are not sent out by default by the person who paid because if they have already paid isn’t always desired to send them an invoice. This can reduce confusion eg “I already paid, why was I just send and invoice?”

If you prefer to send an link to an invoice to the person that registers, you can add the [invoice_link] tag to the payment confirmation email template in Event Espresso>General Settings.

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Event Espresso