
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Installing E4 and add-on compatibility..

Installing E4 and add-on compatibility..

Posted: April 11, 2014 at 7:54 am


April 11, 2014 at 7:54 am


I am wanting to upgrade to E4 for the quantity ticket option but I’m finding conflicting information regarding compatibility with current add-ons. Areas of the website say as of February mods aren’t compatible, control panel says not compatible.. but I see people here on the forum using them.

If we upgrade to E4, will the ticketing add-on stop working?
Is the JSON API/iPad connection compatible? (control panel says no)
Can we upgrade OVER the current E3 without needing to reset everything?
Do we install new versions of the add-ons, if so.. where?


  • Support Staff

April 11, 2014 at 11:55 am

Hi dcotter,

I’m sorry for the confusion, hopefully I can clear this up for you a little.

Currently none of the Add-on’s are compatible with EE4, with the exception of the pre-release version of 4.2 and Calendar Add-on which are available under the Pre-Release channel for testing.

If we upgrade to E4, will the ticketing add-on stop working?


Is the JSON API/iPad connection compatible? (control panel says no)


Can we upgrade OVER the current E3 without needing to reset everything?

EE4 has been designed so that you can migrate your EE3 data over and leave the original data in-tact. However, you can run either EE3 or EE4, not both together. Some of the critical shortcodes from EE3 have changed within EE4 so if switching back and forth between, some pages will need to be updated to use the correct shortcodes. (The migration script does this for you when migrating, this is if you chose to switch back to EE3)

Do we install new versions of the add-ons, if so.. where?

EE4 will have its own set of Add-on’s which if you are migrating to EE4 will need to replace the current versions once released.

Does that help?


  • Support Staff

April 11, 2014 at 2:00 pm


This is the most accurate thread on add-on compatibility:

We will update that list as the situation officially changes.

However, you may also see this thread about the Calendar add-on being in the Pre-release Channel:

Thanks Tony for answering too.

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