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Inserting attendees from a csv?

Posted: March 25, 2014 at 8:16 pm

Steve Morin

March 25, 2014 at 8:16 pm

Hello again,
So I moved my site from one host to another and had installed Event Espresso on both servers. I had exported all attendee information, but it seems a few slipped in as I transferred the site over. I now have the missing attendees exported and in an csv format and would like to import them into the new server. So basically there is this gap that I need to add in. Will I have to go in and individually enter them or can I somehow import them. I tried importing the records through myPHPadmin, but there seemed to be errors as the unique id’s of conflicted. Let me know what you think. I figure I will probably have to reenter them manually using the new attendee function in the admin section. I would like to avoid that but will understand if that is the only way.


March 26, 2014 at 3:53 am


If this is EE3, then we have an add on in the Pre Release channel (see your account page) called Event Espresso Attendee Batch Import Tool Add-on v0.1, whihc allwos you to import via CSV file. Just makes sure to compare your CSV structure with the sample file so you know it will work.

Pre Release channel guide –

Batch import documentation –

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