
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Infusionsoft Plugin – Set up but not transferring contacts.

Infusionsoft Plugin – Set up but not transferring contacts.

Posted: September 25, 2013 at 2:05 am

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Jason Paizes

September 25, 2013 at 2:05 am

Hi Team

I have set up the infusionsoft plugin. I have a number of custom fields that get filled out during the registration process (see I am not that concerned about the custom fields (although it would be nice to be able to transfer them) but the problem is that the contact does not get transferred into IS. I have set up my application name and the API key. All seems good, no errors – just no transfer of information. Any help would be massively appreciated.


  • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Jason Paizes.


September 26, 2013 at 4:52 am

Hi Jason,

Are you using Infusionsoft as a payment gateway or just to gather data for the CRM?

Have you checked the Contacts section in your infusionsoft accounts page? (Just covering bases).

Is any data at all being transferred? Have you turned on the Event Espresso Logging to record any errors while testing? (General Settings – Use full logging? option. Remember to turn it off when done.)

Jason Paizes

September 26, 2013 at 8:38 am

Hi There Dean. Thanks for getting back to me.

At this stage I’m not using IS as a payment gateway, however we are getting ourselves set up with merchant accounts so will be doing that in the near future (I dont have any merchant number set up in EE under the Infusionsoft settings) – only the app name and the API key. Currently we are offering free information sessions, (events) run through EventEspresso – none paid for yet so no need for any payment integration, (not sure if this could be causing problems). We have 6 additional radio button fields set up to capture some survey data on the signup form. I’m not sure if this is causing the problem.

I have checked the contacts section of IS. Definitely no data is being transferred. We had 13 signups today and none showed up in IS. I haven’t used the logging option yet. I have just turned it on and signed up a user. No transfer to IS – have turned logging off again. Where do I fid the logfile?

Thanks Dean.


Sidney Harrell

September 26, 2013 at 4:31 pm

The logging file is in uploads/espresso/logs/espresso_log.txt
although there doesn’t appear to be a lot of logging in the infusionsoft add-on. You might have to do some var_dump(ing) of the results of calls to the infusionsoft api. If you look at espresso-infusionsoft/index.php line 122, you can change it to:

   $add_notes = $ee_infusionsoft->dsUpdate('Contact', $cust_id, $notes);

it will send the $add_notes variable to the screen when you do a test registration.

Jason Paizes

September 29, 2013 at 9:22 pm

Hi Sidney

Thanks for your input. The logfile is huge and I have no idea what I am looking for. Could you send me your details and I will send you the logfile directly?

I have added the var_dump code line in but see no variable on the screen. I have added a test registration to both the published page on my website as well as from within the EE management console.

I’m not sure what I am looking for here. Just no transfer whatsoever of any details to IS.

Thanks Sidney


October 2, 2013 at 6:21 am

Hi Jason,

You can send it to support at eventespresso dot com. Please include a link to this forum page.

We will respond via this forum thread once we have investigated it further.

Jason Paizes

October 2, 2013 at 9:56 am

Hi Dean

Thanks a lot. I have just sent you an email.

Kind regards


October 3, 2013 at 5:52 am


Thanks for the mail.

The log didn’t tell me much there was no obvious errors.

A few things to look at:

Is your Application Name correct? Our test one does not use capitals, not sure if it matters, but sometimes it’s the simplest things.

Is this where you are going to check for the contacts?

I used your credentials on my test server. It threw a fatal error when the Application name was in capitals and seemed to process ok when in lowercase. Can you check your infusionsoft account to see if my fake entries are there?

Jason Paizes

October 5, 2013 at 7:39 am

Hi Dean

Yes, that was where I was checking the contacts, and yeah, your fake entries are indeed in the account now. However, new bookings are still not getting through. How did you get your entries into the system?

Thanks Dean


October 7, 2013 at 1:23 am


I didnt do much, I installed the infusionsoft plugin 1.1, Added in your Application name in lower case, added in your private key and then did a registration.

I am wondering if it is an issue with either your settings (I’m thinking extra spaces before/after the key) or with the server not allowing communication for some reason (you would need to speak to your host about this).

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