
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Infusionsoft Not Passing Payments or Tax Amounts

Infusionsoft Not Passing Payments or Tax Amounts

Posted: November 20, 2015 at 6:51 pm

Alexander Ford

November 20, 2015 at 6:51 pm


I have the Infusionsoft plugin configured and working but I’m having the following challenges.

1. The integration is creating orders, however in Event Espresso I have the system charging 5% in tax, but that amount is not being passed into Infusionsoft. The order amount in EE is $21 but the order amount showing in Infusionsoft is $20.

2. We are processing payment via AIM in EventEspresso and the payments are not being pushed into Infusionsoft at all.

3. When users abandon purchasing a ticket, the system is still tagging those contacts and triggering our event registration sequence, which is obviously incorrect. How do I configure the system only to tag once payment has been processed and their order is marked as “Complete”?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

The registration page is here:



  • Support Staff

November 24, 2015 at 10:36 am

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for reaching out. I just finished up with sending over some bug tickets to the dev team, because what you’ve reported here should not be happening. There may have been a change in the Infusionsoft API, Event Espresso core, or both that led to what you’re seeing, and someone from the dev team will look into this and work on making some fixes.


  • Support Staff

November 27, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Hi Alexander,

We’ve finished up some updates to the Infusionsoft add-on which includes fixes for issues 1 and 2 in your report. We’ll be releasing a new version next week, and before the release you can download a copy here:

For issue #3, there’s a hook that you can use to configure the system to tag to Infusionsoft _after_ the registration is finalized and approved. There’s some example code in our github code library that makes use of the hook:

You can add the above to a functions plugin or into your WordPress theme’s functions.php file.

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