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Infusionsoft Analytics

Posted: January 14, 2014 at 6:19 am

Frank Knippenberg

January 14, 2014 at 6:19 am

I am trying to install Infusionsoft’s Analytics tracking code on my site via the Infusionsoft Analytics for WordPress plugin and am getting the following error when trying to save my API key

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare xmlrpc_encode_entitites() (previously declared in /home/content/84/9677984/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/espresso-infusionsoft/xmlrpc-3.0/lib/ in /home/content/84/9677984/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/infusionsoft-web-tracker/xmlrpc-3.0/lib/ on line 386

I’m assuming there is some type of conflict with the Infusionsoft plugin – Is there anyway around this?

Running current versions of all software.

Sidney Harrell

January 14, 2014 at 12:11 pm

It looks like we are doing it right: in plugins/espresso-infusionsoft/isdk.php we’ve renamed the class to prevent a conflict, and wrapped the library include in a function_exists wrapper (line 9).
I downloaded the infusionsoft-web-tracker plugin, version 1.1, and it looks like he’s not doing either conflict prevention step. If you open up plugins/infusionsoft-web-tracker, and change line 9 from:



if(!function_exists('xmlrpc_encode_entitites')) {

it should prevent the double loading of that library.

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