
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Including event information in newsletter

Including event information in newsletter

Posted: June 17, 2015 at 3:29 pm

Eric Fogle

June 17, 2015 at 3:29 pm

Is there any way to include event information in a custom newsletter message template, primarily the name of an event, date, and time in a batch event newsletter? I didn’t see anything relevant listed in the shortcodes list.

I did see this post, but that appeared to be related to users accessing a printable ticket. Is including event information in a custom message only possible if using the ticket add on?


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2015 at 3:58 am

Hi Eric,

Currently it isn’t possible to include Event information using shortcodes within the newsletter, with or without the ticketing add-on.

Basically because the same contact can have multiple registrations assigned to multiple events the newsletter can not tell when which event the newsletter should be sent for….

So if I have 5 registrations to 5 events all on the same contact, the current setup pulls all the contact information, then if [EVENT_NAME] was used, it wouldn’t know which of those 5 events to pull the information from. Little bit more to it than that, but that’s the general idea.

It also depends on where the newsletter is being triggered from (registrations list, event registration list, contact list etc) we are working on allowing for this in certain listings (for example an events own registration list, the newsletter message can then know which event it is for specifically) make sense?

So currently to do what you are looking for you will need to create a custom Newsletter template – Event Espresso -> Messages –

Input the details for that specific event manually, then when sending the newsletter you can send that specific custom template –

Eric Fogle

June 18, 2015 at 11:29 am

Thanks for the information. Thanks for clarifying regarding the ticketing add-on. The newsletter I was generating was based off the event registrants list (i.e., Events > Registrations, select all, “Send Batch Message” using custom newsletter template.

I figured that I was probably going to have to manually enter the event information, which I was hoping to avoid. Maybe something that could be integrated in the future.



  • Support Staff

June 18, 2015 at 11:40 am

No Problem 🙂

We a ticket for allowing Event shortcodes within the newsletter in a future version, I will add your post to that ticket.

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