
Home Forums Community Forum Include QUESTION LIST and ANSWERS in Approved message

Include QUESTION LIST and ANSWERS in Approved message

Posted: November 9, 2016 at 1:55 pm

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John Schauer

November 9, 2016 at 1:55 pm

I searched forms and have read lots of documentation.

I have the Event Espresso 4.9.21.p installed ( It solved frustrating payment processing flow problems in 4.9.20p installed several days ago)

I am trying to edit message templates to include responses to include detailed question replies in the Primary Recipient and Recipient e-mails.

I have tried adding [QUESTION] and [ANSWER] shortcodes in the [QUESTION_LIST] section of the template.

I have also tried replacing the [ATTENDEE_LIST] section with this code recommended in another closed support thread reporting the same problem :

<h4><a href="[EDIT_ATTENDEE_LINK]">[FNAME] [LNAME]</a></h4>
<br />
Phone Number: [PHONE_NUMBER]
<li><strong>Registration Code:</strong> <a href="[EDIT_ATTENDEE_LINK]">[REGISTRATION_CODE]</a></li>
<strong>Questions & Answers</strong>
<hr />

Neither of these seem to add any of the questions to the default email template.

We have added a number of custom questions and question groups that we would like to have recipients view and verify.

We are ready to go live with the event registration – Please advise on how to edit the email message templates to include the detailed questions and responses.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

November 10, 2016 at 1:20 pm


What do you have setup for the TO field for the primary registrant recipient?

Next, the information that you shared in your reply can be used for the [ATTENDEE_LIST] content area but is the actual [ATTENDEE_LIST] in use in the [EVENT_LIST] area like this?

If it is, then go ahead and try a new registration and do you receive the details within the new email?


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