
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium I want to display price and category name in [espresso_table]

I want to display price and category name in [espresso_table]

Posted: August 23, 2013 at 3:10 am

Ion Paciu

August 23, 2013 at 3:10 am


I’ve managed to customise the table layout but I need to display the prices for the events and event’s category name in the table header.

I can’t find the “event price” and the “category name” variables to display them into the table layout.

this is what I did:

td class="td-group">
<?php echo $event->event_cost ?> //this is not working
<td class="td-group">
<?php echo $open_spots ?>

I’ve also added a small change to display “closed” instead of “register” when the open_spots < 1, like this:

if ( $open_spots < 1 ) { $register_button = 'Closed'; }
else {
$register_button = 'id.'" href="'.get_option('siteurl').'/?page_id='.$event_page_id.'&regevent_action=register&event_id='.$event->id.'&name_of_event='.stripslashes_deep($event->event_name).'">Register';

is this correct? it appears to be working…

And the last question, I want to modify that “register” link to load the registration form into a specified page, if I change page_id to a custom page, will the registration form work?

Thank you for your help, I’m not the best coder 🙂

  • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Ion Paciu. Reason: the code tag was wrong


  • Support Staff

August 23, 2013 at 9:48 am

For the price and the category name you can use these shortcodes in a do_shortcode:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[EVENT_PRICE event_id="'.$event->id.'" number="0"]');?>

<?php echo do_shortcode('[CATEGORY_NAME event_id="'.$event->id.'"]');?>

And the last question, I want to modify that “register” link to load the registration form into a specified page, if I change page_id to a custom page, will the registration form work?

I’m afraid that will not work. The registration page is the page that has the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] and is set to be the main registration page in Event Espresso>General Settings.

Ion Paciu

August 23, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Hi Josh,

Thank you so much for the above, it works, but only after foreach.. what can I do to use them (at least to use the category name), before the foreach section, for example, I want to use it into the <th> section, bit above that.

Thank you again for your great support.


  • Support Staff

August 23, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Hi Ion,

You’d need to create another foreach loop for the area where you want to display an event category name for each event.

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