
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium html autoformatting problem in event_espresso_additional_attendees function

html autoformatting problem in event_espresso_additional_attendees function

Posted: September 24, 2012 at 3:31 am

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simone ciccioni

September 24, 2012 at 3:31 am

When we try to add more participants during a user registration on an event (function event_espresso_additional_attendees) we get a javascript error because the inner html return by the function, instead to maintain his single-line form is autoformatted by some plugin operation and unexpected newlines are inserted between html tags. How can we stop this html preformatting and undesired new line insertion?


September 24, 2012 at 3:50 am


Is it possible you could provide more information? Such as the site and page that this is occurring on, and Event Espresso version.

simone ciccioni

September 24, 2012 at 4:13 am

Hello Dean, you can see the problem, for example, on:

The result is that when you click on “Aggiungere più Partecipanti? (clicca per aggiungere, limite 2)” the form is not working at all.

The EE version is 3.1.27.P

Thank you, bye!!


September 24, 2012 at 4:48 am

Hello Simone,

Im sorry but I could not see that option on the event you posted. I also checked other events but nothing there either

I did do a check on the javascript and it seems that the theme has a slight problem, one of the themes js files (jquery.cycle.all.js) is terminating early and this may be causing an issue with Event Espresso.

If you were to test this on the TwentyEleven theme I think you would find that there is no problem.

You will need to speak to the theme developer regarding the issue.

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