
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to show member only events to non-members (or logged out members)?

How to show member only events to non-members (or logged out members)?

Posted: October 30, 2012 at 2:27 pm

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Amy Swift

October 30, 2012 at 2:27 pm


So it seems events marked as members only show up only for members (and only when they are logged in).
This is a two-folds problem.
1. none members don’t see members only events and are not encouraged to become members.
2. and this is a bigger issue. members don’t always come to the site and already logged in or bother to log in and they don’t see the events listed so they think there are no upcoming events. this is a big problem.

I have found this previous thread about it but the solution did not work in our case:

Please advise. our site is live and we need to solve this quickly.



  • Support Staff

October 30, 2012 at 4:00 pm

Hi Amy,

The solution you linked to above would need to be modified, as the current version of Event Espresso’s templates have changed since one year ago. The logic that handles the “Member Only” display in the event list is on line 142 of event_list_display.php.

Have you made any customizations to the Event Espresso display templates? When I test out a fresh install of Event Espresso, the Member only events do display when I’m logged out. In the event list, there’s a message that says: Member Only Event. Then when you go to the event page, there’s a message that says:

You are not logged in. Before you can reserve a spot, you must

If you are a returning user please Login

New users please Register

This message includes links to login and register.

Amy Swift

October 30, 2012 at 4:45 pm

line 142 of event_list_display.php is showing the following:

<p id="register_link-” class=”register-link-footer”>
<a class="a_register_link ui-button ui-button-big ui-priority-primary ui-state-default ui-state-hover ui-state-focus ui-corner-all" id="a_register_link-” href=”” title=””>

This doesn’t look like the code I need to replace. is it?

We are working with version and since we had done many customizations I have been unable to update to newer versions without breaking the site/plugin. I decided to wait for 3.2 before I take on this difficult task once again.

so what should I do?

Amy Swift

November 5, 2012 at 6:25 pm

It has been 6 days! since my last comment. and no reply.



  • Support Staff

November 7, 2012 at 2:25 pm

Hi Amy,

Sorry for the delay. I’ll need to dig up an old copy of Event Espresso and get back with you.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 7, 2012 at 2:30 pm

Hi Amy —

Sorry about the delay.

The current solution would be to upgrade to the latest version of Event Espresso. We’ve actually updated the code in the event list to display member-only events by default, so modifying the code shouldn’t be necessary anymore.

If you would prefer to stick with the outdated version of Event Espresso you are working with, you can find the code block that deals with member-only events in the latest version of the event_list_display.php between lines 139 – 158.

Amy Swift

November 7, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Updating the plugin is not an endeavor I am going to risk now. I will wait for 3.2

so the code from 139 – 158, what do I change this code to?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 7, 2012 at 3:21 pm

No, download the latest version from your account page. Open the event_list_display.php in the new version of Event Espresso and then edit your existing event_list_display.php to include that code. It should probably start with the same:

if ($display_reg_form == 'Y') {

in the old version.

Just swap out the whole if/else statement in the old version you are using with the if/else statement in the new version and it should work.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Chris Reynolds. Reason: added more info

Amy Swift

November 7, 2012 at 3:39 pm

So far it is not working.

I have downloaded new plugin. grabbed the code and replaced the corresponding code on my current event_list_display.php file, and events set as member only still don’t show up when i am not logged in.

for example, this event:
Should show up here:

I see it when i’m logged in but don’t see it when logged out.

Amy Swift

November 8, 2012 at 2:11 pm


Seth Shoultes

November 8, 2012 at 9:10 pm


Sorry no one has replied. Not trying to make excuses here, just want to let you know whats up. We have been pretty slammed with the latest update and we were short staffed today.

Maybe it would be easier/faster for us to help if we had access to the server? Do you mind sending us WP admin and FTP login info? That way we can make sure we are all on the same page.

Please send WordPress admin level log in credentials via the contact form on this page:

Select the “I am sending login info as requested” department form.

Amy Swift

November 8, 2012 at 10:41 pm

I understand. And i hope you’ll forgive my frustration it’s just that this is a live website and and it has been over a week (out of which I patiently waited for 6 days not wanting to be rude and “bother” you by posting and asking what is taking so long). and you have to remember that this is more than just alive site, it is a business. one that depends on it’s live events for it’s income. events that are not showing up for all our users. (even most members are not logged in most of the time so they see no events and don’t log in because they think there are none!)

I have sent the login info. I forgot to send ftp so I will fill out the form again for it.

just a reminder again, our ee is customized (basically i had to add the feature of different pricing levels for different levels of membership, as this is not a build it feature of ee but is an inseparable part of our business), so just watch out if making changes.


Seth Shoultes

November 8, 2012 at 11:22 pm

No worries! I am glad you let us know that you were getting replies. We try to reply to everyone in a timely manner, but sometimes things get overlooked or slip through the cracks etc. Part of being human I guess 🙂

Maybe what I can do is download the files and database to my local server. Then try updating the plugin there. That way the live site is not affected while pinpointing the problem.

You may see a couple of new plugins installed in the process and I will remove them when I am done. I’ll also follow up via email.

Seth Shoultes

November 13, 2012 at 10:10 pm

@Any Swift I am not sure how to proceed. Your database backups are not functioning properly when trying to install on a local server. So I am unable to test the latest updates on a copy of your website without working data.

Seth Shoultes

November 13, 2012 at 10:30 pm

@Any Swift Please accept my apologies for taking so long on this. I found a way to display the member only events in the list by making a small modification to the event_list.php file. Once I was finally able to review all of the notes and take a look at your files, the solution became clear.

Here are my edits:

Seth Shoultes

November 13, 2012 at 10:36 pm

Almost forgot. You will need to update the member only events, so they are member only. I already updated this event:

Also, you may want to try restoring from a backup of your database on a local or test server. Because I am not able to recreate your live website on my local test server because of problems with your database backup.

Amy Swift

November 13, 2012 at 10:54 pm

Seth, Thanks for all your work. this seems to have worked finally.

We will look into the database, thanks for the tip.

Seth Shoultes

November 13, 2012 at 10:58 pm

No problem! Again, sorry it took so long and thank you for your continued patience.

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