
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to show all location added from admin

How to show all location added from admin

Posted: March 20, 2014 at 5:42 am

Debora Puterman

March 20, 2014 at 5:42 am


I have a custom template file that i have selected for a particular page.I want to do some code in that file to display all venue added.
I am adding venue from wp-admin I want to show all venue in my custom template file if user add any other venue it would be automatically added for that aswell.

After that if i clicked any of the venue display all event for particular venue format should be like we have for event listing page.

Basically want to show all venue and then when i click on them it will show event related to particular venue.



March 20, 2014 at 6:48 am

Hi Debora,

We don’t have a shortcode to display all venues, only by specific ID:

As such you would need to do some custom development to achieve what you are after.

In basic form what I would do is create a shortcode to query the venue table in the database and list out the venues.

Modify the title link to point to a specific page and add an URL query string that includes the venue ID (e.g.

Then on that page you pointed them to create a custom template, that has code in it to GET the query string (e.g. ?venueid=1 ) and use it on the Venue List shortcode to output the list of events for that venue.

If that makes no sense, you will likely need a developer to assist you. We have a few recommended ones here:

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