
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to RESET the database after test registrations?

How to RESET the database after test registrations?

Posted: July 14, 2012 at 4:31 am

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Armando Gelardi

July 14, 2012 at 4:31 am

Hi, I need to empty the database of all test registrations made (no more traces of test attendees).

I did some test registrations (on my live site) in order to see if every step of the process works fine. Now before opening registrations to participant I would like to reset the database so I have no “test” attendees registered anymore and can have a clean start.
I only want to reset all ATTENDEE related information.
I have only one event (I understand I could not reset attendee registrations if I would have more than one event).

Is there any function, script or MySQL query I can use for this purpose?

I looked into the database structure (using the Adminer plugin) and I suppose I should empty the following tables:

Is this correct? Did I miss some tables?

Thanks in advance for any Help!

Seth Shoultes

July 14, 2012 at 9:16 pm

Hi Armando,

Those tables look correct. However, you should be able to just delete the attendees using the event admin.

Armando Gelardi

July 15, 2012 at 12:54 am

Hi Seth!

as a fact I did try the “Delete Attendee(s)” function in the event admin, but i deletes attendees only from the wp_events_attendee table.
The other tables still have records with data from these attendee ID’s.

So i think it would be better (in order to have a clean start) to have all “attendee related” data to be cancelled and thus clean all the tables mentioned above. This way I would start with attendee_ID from #1 again and don’t have any related data in the other tables with those same ID numbers I had with my test registrations.

So besides the “Delete Attendee(s)” button in the event admin are there other functions or scripts I could use?


Seth Shoultes

July 15, 2012 at 4:58 pm

IF you want the ID’s to start over, you will need to completely delete those tables and reinstall the plugin.

Armando Gelardi

July 16, 2012 at 5:23 am

Ah ok.
So I’ll think about that…
maybe I’ll only clean the tables and forget about starting over with the ID numbering.


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