
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How to Add Member to multiple events: Multi Day Event Problem-solving

How to Add Member to multiple events: Multi Day Event Problem-solving

Posted: November 23, 2012 at 3:21 pm

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Noah Purves-Smith

November 23, 2012 at 3:21 pm

I have one event that spans three days. We’ll say each day is $100 to attend, and all three days are discounted at $250. There is limited seating of, we’ll say 100 seats.

I was thinking of having four events: one will be public, with an event post, and the other three will be just to keep track of seat availability, and won’t be publicly visible.

The public event will have four pricing options for the prices listed above. I was thinking of a writing a basic, conditional function on the payment_overview.php page to check if it’s the multi-event event_id, and add the user to the events designated by the payment option. So, two things I would need is to get the $price_type variable on the payment_overview.php page, and a function to count someone as registered for an event (since I could easily get the individual event ids).

Is there an relatively easy way to do this, or any recommendations?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

November 27, 2012 at 4:16 pm

Here’s what I would do. This requires Multi Event Registration and the Volume Discounts add-on in beta.

  1. Create 3 events, one for each day. Each event has a maximum number of attendees set at 100.
  2. Create a page to display the events, and use an Add to Cart shortcode for each, so a user can add the events they are registering for to their cart. You can also create a shortcode that adds all three days to the cart to make things easier.
  3. Set up the Volume Discounts so that if the total amount exceeds $300, apply a $50 discount.

In case it’s not obvious, the key here is that you aren’t using your ESPRESSO_EVENTS page as your main registration page. You’re creating a new page that has links to register (or actually add to the cart) those events you want people to be registering for. Your actual ESPRESSO_EVENTS page doesn’t even need to be linked anywhere in this scenario, it just needs to exist to take care of the registration process.

Noah Purves-Smith

November 28, 2012 at 12:42 pm

Thanks Chris.

What I ended up doing was adding variables to $_SESSION, adding those variables to $session_vars in the payment_overview.php page, and passing them to the event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db() function. Then I passed the espresso_session id to the email_by_session_id() function to email the tickets.

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