
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How do I allow users to select an additional item through the registration

How do I allow users to select an additional item through the registration

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 7:09 pm

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Kerry Howard

June 25, 2013 at 7:09 pm

Alright, I’m going to rant. I’ve just bought event esspresso and I’m pissed off.I just want to do the simplest thing which is allow customers to register for an event and through the registration process have the option to add a dinner package to their event ticket.

I would have thought this would be a pretty standard thing but obviously not. I’ve added the multiple events plugin and all I get is an ugly link which says “add to cart”. For the life of me I can’t see where the cart is.

Just to finish my rant, all of the sales pitches all over the net about this being the best event solution convinced me to spend $150.00 and then I find out they charge an extra $65 for basic support!

And just to add insult to injury they go on with some rubbish about it being the fairest way for everyone to be charged for basic help with their product.

Not happy!

Anyway, if anyone out there has been through this annoying process and can offer some insight that would be greatly appreciated.





June 26, 2013 at 12:40 am

Hi Kerry,

I am sorry that the plugin isnt everything you hoped it would be, we do try and make it as flexible as possible.

Whilst adding extra packages to events isnt yet a standard feature in Event Espresso, it is something that we have thought about, and are hoping to include in future versions of the core plugin.

For now there is another option.

In your account page there is a Pre Release section and here you can find a Price Modifier add on, that can assist you with what you need. It works via questions.

Regarding the Multiple Event Modifier, the Add to cart link, once clicked, changes into a View Cart link which enables users to go to their cart.

The Priority Support tokens are not a requirement, you can obtain support via the forums, for free, at any time during your licence period.

Priority Support tokens are used by people that need support that goes outside the remit of general support such as asking us to actually change things on their site like minor modifications.

To repeat, you do not need to buy a token to receive normal support.

I hope that helps and clarifies things for you. If you need anything just post on the forums and we can assist from there.

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