
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium How can I turn off "Payment Overview" and "Please choose a payment option" …

How can I turn off "Payment Overview" and "Please choose a payment option" …

Posted: April 4, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Carl Mitchell

April 4, 2014 at 4:43 pm

How can I turn off “Payment Overview” and “Please choose a payment option” on submission of the registration form? As the first class is usually free, I would like to present a simple “Thank you” message instead of “Your registration is not complete until payment is received.” message. I wish to avoid payments through the site right now. Thank you!!!

Registration page:
Event Espresso version
WordPress version WP 3.8.1
Site URL

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

April 4, 2014 at 6:05 pm


You can hide the payment area by adding the following CSS to a plugin such as My Custom CSS:

#payment-options-dv, #external-link-msg-pg {display:none}

This filter should replace that message and can go into your theme’s functions.php file or a custom snippet plugin (

function mycustom_filter_gettext_thankyou( $translated, $original, $domain ) {
    // This is an array of original strings
    // and what they should be replaced with
    $strings = array(
        'Your registration is not complete until payment is received.' => 'Thank you',
        // Add some more strings here
    // See if the current string is in the $strings array
    // If so, replace its translation
    if ( isset( $strings[$original] ) ) {
        // This accomplishes the same thing as __()
        // but without running it through the filter again
        $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
        $translated = $translations->translate( $strings[$original] );
    return $translated;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'mycustom_filter_gettext_thankyou', 10, 3 );


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