
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Hooked in model extension too late!

Hooked in model extension too late!

Posted: April 30, 2024 at 5:48 am

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April 30, 2024 at 5:48 am

We’ve been using a custom plugin built in-house which adds the Ticket scope to the Promotions add-on. It worked fine using older EventEspresso version but we now have to adjust the code to make it work with latest EE version. We are currently getting this error:

Uncaught EE_Error: Hooked in model extension 'EEME_Promotions_Ticket' too late! The model Ticket has already been used! We know because the action AHEE__EEM_Ticket__construct__end has been fired in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/libraries/plugin_api/db/EEME_Base.lib.php:83
Stack trace:
#0 /public_html/wp-content/plugins/sw-eventespresso-changes/EE4-Promotions-master/db_model_extensions/EEME_Promotions_Ticket.model_ext.php(20): EEME_Base->__construct()
#1 /public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/libraries/plugin_api/EE_Register_Model_Extensions.lib.php(109): EEME_Promotions_Ticket->__construct()
#2 /public_html/wp-content/plugins/sw-eventespresso-changes/sw-eventespresso-changes.php(85): EE_Register_Model_Extensions::register('Ticket', Array)
#3 /public_html/wp-inc in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/libraries/plugin_api/db/EEME_Base.lib.php on line 83

sw-eventespresso-changes is the name of our custom plugin. Here’s how we are registering our scope:

add_action('AHEE__EE_System__load_espresso_addons', 'sw_add_ticket_scope_promotion');
function sw_add_ticket_scope_promotion() {
$register = EE_Register_Promotion_Scope::register("Ticket", [
'scope_path' => '/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sw-eventespresso-changes/EE4-Promotions-master/scopes/EE_Promotion_Ticket_Scope.lib.php',
'model_extension_paths' => array('/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sw-eventespresso-changes/EE4-Promotions-master/db_model_extensions'),
'class_extension_paths' => array('/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sw-eventespresso-changes/EE4-Promotions-master/db_class_extensions')

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


  • Support Staff

May 1, 2024 at 5:51 pm

I can see that problem you submitted is discussed in our tEEM and our developers solution is under testing, Once everything is set, we will update you.



May 8, 2024 at 9:11 am

I’ve managed to get past the errors and it now seems to be working fine. The issue was that my Ticket scope file EE_Promotion_Ticket_Scope.lib.php was missing some (newer) functions. So I’ve copied and adapted all functions from the original eea-promotions plugin (EE_Promotion_Event_Scope.lib.php) onto my EE_Promotion_Ticket_Scope.lib.php.

Basically, my Ticket scope file is a clone of the Event scope file, with naming and queries adjusted accordingly, if it helps anybody.


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