
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Hiding [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] content

Hiding [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] content

Posted: August 14, 2014 at 5:35 pm

Von Nostrand

August 14, 2014 at 5:35 pm

Hi All

I would prefer if the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] page didn’t exist. I have hidden it from Google and SE with a non-index, no follow and non sitemap.

Question – would it mess things up if I did a display:none on the content of the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] page? In order to hide the event list?



August 15, 2014 at 1:24 am


I’m assuming this is for EE3.

Yes, it will mean that while your EVENT_LIST is visible the individual events won’t be as everything routes through ESPRESSO_EVENTS.

Von Nostrand

August 15, 2014 at 1:29 am

Hi Dean

Yes EE3. Is it the same setup in EE4 with the use of a page (ESPRESSO_EVENTS) as such? thanks


August 15, 2014 at 2:43 am


Sort of, but not quite.

In EE4 events are custom post types, so they have an archive ( /events/ ) and can be manipulated etc.

The ESPRESSO_EVENTS shortcode in EE4 is (confusingly) the equivalent of the EVENT_LIST in EE3, meaning you can add a list of events to a specific page should you not want to use the /events/ archive.

In EE4, the core page has the shortcode [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT] and is used for the registration process, rather than displaying and registration like ESPRESSO_EVENTS does in EE3.

I hope that makes sense.

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