
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Hide "Register" and just show "Add to Cart" using the EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW

Hide "Register" and just show "Add to Cart" using the EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW

Posted: December 27, 2013 at 7:58 am

Andrew Rosen

December 27, 2013 at 7:58 am

Hello, I’m using the generic table layout present with the EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW shortcode but need to remove (or hide) the “Register” option and leave only the “Add to Cart” option visible. Unfortunately, I don’t really understand which file is being used to to create the table that EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW is showing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • Support Staff

December 27, 2013 at 8:41 am

Hi Andrew,

The default EVENT_CUSTOM_VIEW uses the file espresso-custom-templates/templates/events-table/index.php for its output.

Within that file you’ll need to make two changes.

Comment out line 73 making it

//'separator' => ' '.__("or", 'event_espresso').' '

Remove the ‘$live_button . ‘ from line 97

<td class="td-group reg-col" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $event_status == 'ACTIVE' ? $cart_link : $live_button; ?></td>

That will make it so that only the Cart button is displayed if the event is active, otherwise ‘Closed’ will be displayed.

If that all works as expected copy the events-table folder to uploads/espresso/templates/ to keep it ‘update safe’.

Andrew Rosen

December 27, 2013 at 10:35 am

Thanks! That worked perfectly.

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