
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Help with only members can register site

Help with only members can register site

Posted: September 22, 2012 at 11:21 am

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September 22, 2012 at 11:21 am


I would like my site to have all details of all events public, allow them to sign up for emails, but only allow members to register…how can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!


September 23, 2012 at 2:58 pm

Hi I need the same thing
Details for all – registration only for reg. user ;(


September 23, 2012 at 9:08 pm

I solved it with putting

if (!is_user_logged_in())... in front of the registrationfields in registration_page_display.php ๐Ÿ™‚


September 23, 2012 at 9:26 pm

Cool…I was thinking I’d have to do something like s2Members. Maybe the free one? Just more things to learn. My brain hurts!

Hopefully someone will respond to save us a bunch of additional time and effort. I doubt we are the only ones who have wanted to do this. ๐Ÿ™‚



September 24, 2012 at 3:17 am


You would have to look into some sort of membership plugins, like S2Member, to do as you are asking.

A code change like Gerd suggested, is also an option.

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