Hello Event Espresso Dev team,
We checked your plugin and wanted to make some layout customization to your calendar addon. On calendar addon currently on “day” view we have vertical listing of time. but we want to change these time horizontally. So heading would be time and on each row there would be event. Like: https://prnt.sc/hjskuu
We saw that you have used fullcalendar.io and tried to change html structure but we got js errors. So can you suggest us how we can achive the layout as we shown on the screenshot? Is there a pre-build option available or we can override the template.
I don’t think it will be possible to change fullcalendar to use that layout. The closest layout is the basicDay view, and you can go to the Event Espresso > Calendar Settings page, then go to Advanced settings, then where you have the agendaDay button set, change that to basicDay.
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