
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Help: Group attendees by Reg ID

Help: Group attendees by Reg ID

Posted: December 17, 2013 at 9:24 am


December 17, 2013 at 9:24 am

We are implementing an instance of Event Espresso which allows a user to register multiple attendees to form a “Team”. The primary attendee is asked to provide a “Team name” in the form of a custom question group.

We are looking to be able to group attendees in the WP backend by their “Team name” or, if that is not possible, simply by their Reg ID. This would ideally provide us with a way to view “Teams” individually.

Is this a case of writing our own custom page to group attendees or does Espresso provide a way of doing this without modifying anything?

Thanks in advance.

Wordpress: 3.8
Event Espresso:
Event Espresso Add-ons in use: Custom files, Custom templates, Mailchimp, Price Modifier, Ticketing

Jonathan Wilson

December 17, 2013 at 1:23 pm

Hi John,

You may be able to use the Custom Files to create a shortcode to display the different team names (by grouping them by that custom question for the team name). However, I’m not sure if that would work.

Otherwise, the attendee exports do group the attendees and assign them group numbers.


December 18, 2013 at 8:52 am

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your reply. I ended up writing a custom function to display a list of group bookings based around a little query to the effect of:

<code>SELECT *
FROM wpevents_attendee AS at
WHERE at.payment_status = &#039;Completed&#039;
GROUP BY at.registration_id
HAVING COUNT(*) &gt; 1</code>

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