
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Helcim Canada payment gateway

Helcim Canada payment gateway

Posted: December 28, 2016 at 11:48 pm

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December 28, 2016 at 11:48 pm

Hi there

I have just purchased your ‘everything’ license and am in the process of setting up my site. I am not a technical person and am spending hours going through your support and document topics to learn about how a layman can make things work.

I am considering a payment gateway and after much research have locked on to Helcim which has been consistently ranked as the most transparent payment solution for Canadian businesses and they boast a rich roster of clients. I see you don’t have a built in gateway for them. Your support forums yielded the ‘new payment gateway add-on’ method which seems a little much for a php layman.

1. Do you have plans to create a Helcim gateway?
2. Is it possible for me just to follow their hosted payment page instructions and stick it on to my site? Or is that too simple and won’t work…

Thanks for your help in advance



  • Support Staff

December 29, 2016 at 3:49 am

Hi there,

1. Do you have plans to create a Helcim gateway?

We do not currently have plans for a Helcim payment method, I believe this is the first request we have received for this payment method. I can add this to our feature requests however due to this being the first request I am aware of it would likely require sponsorship or custom development to add the payment method to EE.

We do offer custom payment method as a service here:

2. Is it possible for me just to follow their hosted payment page instructions and stick it on to my site? Or is that too simple and won’t work…

Whilst creating a custom payment method is not usually complex (although it does depend on the provider) if you are not a developer and not a technical person it is not something you will find easy. You will need an understanding of both how EE payment methods work and then how to add the information required by the provider (adding in any hash checks they use to condifm the request etc) to the payment method and update the transaction.

We do have documentation on creating payment methods, however the docs are intended for developers and are available here:–Payment-Methods-and-Gateways

With some more details here:


December 29, 2016 at 8:12 pm

Hi Tony

Thanks very much for your prompt replies. Much appreciated.



  • Support Staff

December 30, 2016 at 3:29 am

You’re most welcome 🙂

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