
Home Forums Translations Hardcoded translations…

Hardcoded translations…

Posted: October 9, 2012 at 3:03 pm

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October 9, 2012 at 3:03 pm

Hi, this is not ask for support, just opinion about translating EE:

You say, that people can easy translate EE to other languages. Yes, we can. Very easy and smooth. BUT only superficial words and sentences. Problem is with a lot of specific words inside the code, like “Incomplete” / “Complited” etc. This is why we need to change original php code in many many files. And worst thing – if we will want to upgrade – we`ll lose everything…

In lithuanian language this must be “Nepatvirtinta” / “Patvirtinta”. In russian: “????????????????” in german: “unbestätigt” etc. Hundreds of millions of people around the globe speaks other than english 🙂 Dont forget that if you want global success 😉 And try to do possible to translate ALL words used in frontpages (admin side isnt so important, because web developers everywhere understand english, I think :))


October 10, 2012 at 12:39 am

Hi Dainius,

We are committed to making Event Espresso as easy to translate as possible as we do have a lot of clients with languages other than English as their mother tongue.

If you know where these hardcoded phrases are, please let us know, and we can look to resolve them in future versions.


October 10, 2012 at 3:56 am

As I mentioned – very important is registration/payment statuses. They comes from files like: process-registration/add_attendees_to_db.php & process-registration/payment_page.php & admin-files/event-management/advanced_settings.php & admin-files/functions.php etc.

Also not so important, but untranslatable by language file in admin / list events: first/previous/next/last and many other. Just I forget already a lot places already where in last 5 days I changed something inside code, cause cant change it in language file.

One more thing – can be good descision in future updates make possible to choose currency symbol position, because it depends from language/country too – left from amount or right (usualy in europe 0.00 lt / 0.00 rub / 0.00 kr, except € 0.00)


October 10, 2012 at 4:17 am

Hey Dainius,

Thanks for that information, I will get it logged internally to be reviewed.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

October 10, 2012 at 10:44 am

Dainius —

We are well aware that the plugin is not localized in a way that makes it easy (or even possible, in some cases) to accurately translate all strings. I have been working with our translators and dealing with localization issues long enough to know first-hand what needs to be done. Please know that we are doing the best we can to fix these issues but, as they are scattered throughout the plugin, it is time-consuming and difficult short of a complete rewrite. That said, 3.2 is a major rewrite, so many of the translatable strings should be in a much better position in 3.2 than they are in the current release.

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