
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Groupon add on questions

Groupon add on questions

Posted: October 11, 2012 at 8:03 am

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October 11, 2012 at 8:03 am

I have been using EE and the Groupon add on for the past five (5) events we’ve held (approximately 600 registrations) and overall I’ve been very pleased!

Have the following improvements been made to the add on?:

  1. Ability to tie Groupon/voucher to specific event
  2. Expire Groupon
  3. Add status of Unused

Item 1: For a variety of reasons it would be VERY beneficial if we could tie vouchers to specific events in the same fashion as we can select which Promo/Discount codes are available by event.

Item 2: When voucher codes are appended to the table due to overlapping feature run dates it becomes an issue to remove the Expired voucher numbers so they are not used for events occurring after the expiration of the purchased voucher. The way Groupon works is the PROMOTIONAL VALUE ($199) expires. The PURCHASED VALUE ($59) does not expire and the voucher holder can use the vouchers purchased value with the merchant (ie. $59 toward purchased of product/service). For this reason we need to remove the unused expired vouchers so they are not redeemed for their PROMOTIONAL VALUE.

Item 3: As stated above, the PURCHASED VALUE does not expire. We need an easy way to sort the unused vouchers to hold in a seperate table or spreadsheet.

Daily deal sites are a great way to get a quick injection of cash into your business but they require some managing as well to avoid potential pitfalls. The add on has been a great help but for anyone that offers deals for multiple events (at one location) or holds events in multiple locations this would a HUGE help!

Thank you for your help!


  • Support Staff

October 12, 2012 at 7:11 am

Hi there,

Thanks for the valuable feedback, these are great ideas. We have plans to add feature #1 so the vouchers can be tied to specific events, and I will register your other two suggestions in our idea tracker for future versions of this add-on.

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