
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium group reservations with different payement options

group reservations with different payement options

Posted: December 5, 2013 at 7:53 am

juriaan waltmann

December 5, 2013 at 7:53 am

Hi there, we have EE running on (World Congress). Works fine so far.

We have 16 options (prices) to participate at our congress. Its possible to make group reservations. Is it also possible that each person in a group reservation can choose how he will participate?

thx in advance, Jur


  • Support Staff

December 5, 2013 at 7:59 am

Hi Jur,

You can use the Multi Event Registration Add-on to add the event to a ‘cart’ allowing you to chose multiple ticket types of multiple quantities and then requesting the registration data.

Detaisl are available here

juriaan waltmann

December 10, 2013 at 6:05 am

Thank you for handling this issue so fast, it works.

Problem is I now have the register button and next to it a line “view cart”.

Is it possible to only show “register” but that it would act like “view cart”. Now I have to axplain what the difference is, and the ones who click register still can ad extra people but without the choice of following different parts of our congress.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2013 at 7:17 am

It is possible yes but it also depends on were they are using the button and how you intended for them to use it.

From looking on your site your here is how I would do it.

I am assuming these two options would be separate events?
(Currently ‘Register free of VAT.’ does not work)

I would either change the ‘REGISTER VAT. INCLUDED’ link to go directly to the event (in this case or set the [SINGLE_EVENT] shortcode on the ‘registration-vat-included’ page to display the registration form straight from clicking that button.

Then include the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] within the event description using the direct_to_cart attribute so once Add to cart is clicked it will take them directly to the cart.

[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

With a short descriptions similar to what you have on the page. (only without ‘View Cart’ as it will not be displayed)

You could even hide the registration form altogether and force all users to go through the cart, single registrations can still use the cart.

Its a better flow for the attendee and does not require any core/code edits.

juriaan waltmann

December 10, 2013 at 8:08 am

Hmmm I’ll agree that the best option is to force directly to a page where the cart with all options is shown, also for single registrations.

ID of the VAT incl event = 4 with event category “INCLVAT”
ID of the VAT excl event = 7 with event category “EXVAT”

You gave me some options but what should the shortcode look like to put on those 2 pages where I would link to?

(register free of VAT works now).

THX in advance AGAIN 😉

juriaan waltmann

December 10, 2013 at 8:37 am

[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”4″ direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

Shows View Cart on the page but doesnt redirect directly to the cart.

Made a testpage:


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2013 at 8:43 am

All the shortcodes and template variables are available here

It is not the event ID that you need, rather the event Identifier. (ID is numerical, Idenfitier is a unique code for each event) although both can be used within different shortcodes.

For a single event, with all the information including the description/reg form etc you would do the following.

Go to the event through the Event Overview. (In this case event ID 4)
Open up the event to edit it.
Look at the top by the title.
Click shortcode.
EE will generate a shortcode for you for that specific event.

Copy and paste that shortcode into the page

View the page and you’ll see the event.

Now add the ESPRESSO_CART link into the description of the event
(Again from the link above) and update the event.

Now you have the event with registration form and an add to cart.
You can disabled the registration form (if that is how your doing it) from within the event options (sidebar) ‘Display registration form?’.

juriaan waltmann

December 10, 2013 at 9:07 am

thx helped me a bit.

Sorry but I think I dont understand what “add the ESPRESSO_CART link into the description of the event” means.

I now have:
[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”ipma20141-520-523b06ab4329c” direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

It shows me the word “Register” and nothing more wich is already a great step forward. Clicking it will bring up the Cart wich is also great. But the best would be if I could create my own button with a link behind it wich would directly pop up the Cart.

Sorry for not understanding…

Sidney Harrell

December 10, 2013 at 1:12 pm

You can make the register link into a button by adding some CSS. You can add it using a plugin like My Custom CSS. Check out this site, and use the class ee_add_item_to_cart where the generator has the “classname”.

juriaan waltmann

December 11, 2013 at 7:00 am

THX for the CSS styling tip works fine.

But… now I got the problem like so many have, and with so many solutions to try if I look at the forum.

“It looks like you are attempting to refresh a page after completing your registration or your cart is empty. Please go to the events page and try again.”

There are 2 URLS wich work fine:

NOT working:

Wich has [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”ipma20141-520-523b06ab4329c” direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”] on the page.

It works though after you go to the first urls, click view cart, then go back to and click register.

I set
Display registration form to NO. So now I see The button “View Details” or View Cart.
I can change the code so it wont show “view details” “or” and show “Click here to register” instead “View Cart”.
Still following me?
But then there is another strange thing, the “Price” wich is shown inst the “base” price of our congress. We have 16 combinations of prices and the nr1 in the list is the price wich should be visible, now it seems its shows a random price.

I am more then willing to help you with the Dutch translations of your forms if you could help me out with this all.

thx Jur

Sidney Harrell

December 11, 2013 at 4:26 pm

The event_id attribute in your add-to-cart shortcode should be the id (first column on the event list in the event overview, also the event_id in the url if you click on an event and open it in the event editor), not the unique event identifier in the event editor.

juriaan waltmann

December 12, 2013 at 1:13 am

Thx Sidney, will try, but Tony Warwick told to do it with the unique event identifier (read earlier post in this topic).


juriaan waltmann

December 12, 2013 at 1:54 am

Put in the ID (4) for the INcluding TAX pricelist and works sofar, but sometimes also the pricelist EXcluding TAX (ID=7) is visible below the one incl.

We let some people test today.


  • Support Staff

December 12, 2013 at 3:22 am

Sorry I should have made my reply clearer.

It depends on which shortcode you are using
(I was referencing [SINGLE_EVENT] which is what I thought you were going to use, you’d replied in the time it took me to write my reply with the example of ESPRESSO_CART which ‘Identifier’ didn’t apply to… anyway)

Some shortcodes use ID, some Identifier & some can actually use both.


I’m not sure what you mean by

but sometimes also the pricelist EXcluding TAX (ID=7) is visible below the one incl.

juriaan waltmann

December 12, 2013 at 3:44 am

Ok the testpage is:

There I use [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”4″ direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

After updating to MER 1.0.5 it seems to work.

I have made 2 events. One is inlcuded TAX the other is exluded tax.

The testpage shows the event included tax (ID = 4) but on some PC I saw it also showed the event exluded tax (ID = 7), most of the times its ok…

Please dont close topic yet, we will do some more tests the next days from different OS and browsers.

Another thing still not solved but nothing to do with this issue is the “missing” space between in our case EUR and the (price)amount.
I tried to ad a space in the code on the php “organization_config.php”

$org_options[‘currency_symbol’] = ‘EUR’;

$org_options[‘currency_symbol’] = ‘EUR. ‘;

Like mentioned in some posts but that doesnt work.

I dont mind do some hardcoding because ill log everything.

I found on cart.php line 1231:

echo $org_options[‘currency_symbol’] . number_format($result->event_cost, 2) . $message . ‘ ‘ . $surcharge;

Should be possible to add a space there… but hey, i am no coder… 😉

gr Jur


  • Support Staff

December 12, 2013 at 4:13 am

The testpage shows the event included tax (ID = 4) but on some PC I saw it also showed the event exluded tax (ID = 7), most of the times its ok…

If the page only contains [ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”4″ direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

Then it should only ever show the cart link for the event with ID 4.

To add a space to that line just use:

echo $org_options['currency_symbol'] . ' ' . number_format($result->event_cost, 2) . $message . ' ' . $surcharge;

juriaan waltmann

December 12, 2013 at 5:13 am

Thx Tony, space is there! Very Happy.


  • Support Staff

December 13, 2013 at 2:32 am

Hi Jur,

I’m just checking to see if everything is working as expected now?

juriaan waltmann

December 13, 2013 at 3:49 am

Hi Tony, thx for asking. We will have a few people (form outside our company) testing this weekend. If they don’t see any strange things happen we go live with the new pages. Feel free to test yourself I also changed some coding on the invoice page because they have to confirm to end the registration (clear it from any cache).

We have about 30-35 congresses a year and are leaving our own custom made cms next year and will turn to WP. We can design/make registration forms in our own CMS we dont know yet If we will ipmlements that part of the CMS into WP pages or will turn to something like EE.

So this will be a nice testcase.



December 16, 2013 at 2:47 am


Please let us know if there are any further issues, or if we can close this ticket. If there is no response for a while this ticket may auto close, feel free to open a new one if the issue persists or if there is something else we can help you with.

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