I have been able to recreate this issue on my test server. I am writing up a ticket to fix this. Unfortunately, the only way for other users to see questions is for the to create questions themselves. For now, if you need to restrict user from accessing non-event espresso related areas of WP, we recommend deactivating Permissions and using the Advanced Access Manager plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-access-manager/.
If you have anymore questions, please let me know.
This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by Jonathan Wilson.
Thanks Jonathan. will look into that work around ASAP
We have at least 2 problems with Questions that seem to have arrived when we started using Permissions.
Jonathan, I tried the Advanced Access Manager. Had so many problems setting it up, I deleted it. It appeared promising, but I do not think it is ready for prime time yet. Just an FYI.
I have deleted Permissions and trying to see what we can do next – may have to open up the access to the other 2 staff and hope for the best
I wanted to check in and see how you are working around this problem.
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