
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Form data not recorded in the DB.

Form data not recorded in the DB.

Posted: August 1, 2013 at 1:15 pm

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Giovanni Barsanti

August 1, 2013 at 1:15 pm

Hi guys,
I’ve an issue with the registration form.
All field are mandatory and all of them are working fine.
But.. the database sometimes doesn’t record one field.. The Telephone number.
I mean, this field is mandatory.. and you cannot leave it blank..

I’ve tried with firebug, and I don’t have any kind of errors..
After digging in your forum I found that, maybe, the problem is related with Internet Explorer..

Even if I don’t really understand why some people are still using it, I need to find a way to fix it because they are a lot.. and all of them are potential customers.

The website is

I don’t have IE, I’ve only Mac computers and I wouldn’t really like to install the VM on these machines…

The question is, why only the telephone field is affected ? As far as I’ve seen on the dashboard this is a normal text field (even if it should be numeric, but there isn’t the option).
I’ve tried to use even special characters.. (!”Β£$%&/()=?^@ΒΆ#_-+) but it works without problems (well.. with safari, firefox and chrome).

Any magic trick? πŸ™‚

EE : 3.1.33 – Business Licence.
WP : 3.5.1


  • Support Staff

August 1, 2013 at 1:44 pm

Hi Giovanni,

I don’t think it’s a case of the form data not being recorded, I think it’s the form validation that’s not working in IE9.

I checked the page source and it looks like the Event Espresso registration forms have been significantly modified. Has anything been modified here? Here’s what I’m seeing:

The form labels have been removed and replaced with input placeholders, and there are Contact form 7 plugin classes that have been added. Here’s the first name input as an example:

<input type="text"  title="" placeholder="First Name" class=" required   wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text span6 fname" id="fname-150-0-1" name="fname" value="" required />

Along with that, the image placeholders and form validation do not appear to be working for any of the text inputs. Here’s a screenshot of the form in IE9 running in a VM:


I think if you were to try the defaults that Event Espresso uses, and possibly de-register the scripts from WP Contact form 7 for the main reg page (it may be a case where the contact form plugin is adding its own classes to Event Espresso’s reg form fields.)

There is actually a tutorial that shows how to deregister scripts from other plugins here:

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Josh. Reason: code formatting

Giovanni Barsanti

August 1, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Hi Josh,
yes I’ve used those style to make the form like the others I’ve on the website.

I see what you mean, and I’ll try to follow your help.

But, why only the telephone number field is affected ?



  • Support Staff

August 1, 2013 at 2:10 pm

What I’m seeing is all the text inputs are affected, not just the telephone number fields. What might be happening is people are electing to not enter their phone number but entering everything else.

When I test your registration form in IE9 I can skip all the fields except for the dropdown selectors.

Giovanni Barsanti

August 1, 2013 at 5:22 pm

So.. finally.. after 3 hours.. I can see the word like Neo.. Just code every where.. πŸ™‚
But now works.
Can you please double-check ?
If you want to do a fake registation, please use november and name/surname = test/test.



  • Support Staff

August 2, 2013 at 7:42 am

Hi Giovanni,

I checked and I’m afraid the text field form validation still does not work in IE9. Although the placeholder text is displaying before you start filling out the form now.

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