
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Force user through multiple events before checkout

Force user through multiple events before checkout

Posted: May 29, 2017 at 12:01 am

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May 29, 2017 at 12:01 am

I am using EE4 with the Multiple Events add-on.
How do I force the user to go through multiple events(in order) before checkout?

– User directed to Event 1 first(where they buy a ticket for our conference)
– then directed to event 2(where they select a free ticket for Day 1/Class 1)
– then event 3(where they select a free ticket for Day 2/Class 2)
– then event 4(where they select a class for Day 2/Class 3)
– then the user is directed to checkout

This will make the registration process user friendly on the front end, plus it would improve our ticket tracking(for different classes) over a 3 day conference.


  • Support Staff

May 29, 2017 at 2:16 pm

Hi there,

That’s a great question! I’m afraid that Event Espresso 4 and Multi Event Registration do not have this feature set, but this is something that an experienced developer would be able to build out as an extension. I can recommend contacting one of the developers listed here for a quote:


May 30, 2017 at 4:20 pm

Hey Josh,
As a work around, I could create a page and put all of the different tickets on that same page using the ticket selector shortcode for each event. That way the user will see all event tickets in order.

The only problem with doing this is when the user adds the first set of tickets to cart, the EE4 will automatically direct the user away from the page.

Is there a way to add to cart without the redirection?

Note: I am working as the developer for this project, so if you have any more details about building it out as an extension or if you can point me in the right direction for more information, that would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time!



  • Support Staff

May 31, 2017 at 4:15 am

EE4 does not automatically redirect you to the cart by default when you are using the [ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR event_id=your-event-id] shortcode.

It should show something like this –

Can you link us to the page so we can view what is happening?

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