
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Force attendee 1 info to all other registrants

Force attendee 1 info to all other registrants

Posted: March 17, 2023 at 1:16 pm

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Michael King

March 17, 2023 at 1:16 pm

I have a situation where I’m asking all registrants from the same company to make individual lunch choices but I don’t need individual name, etc for each attendee, just their lunch selection for which I have a radio button question. Eg Pat from Acme Co is going to register, pay, and select lunches for Chris and Jamie who will be at my event. I only need to know they all come from Acme. I only have the Lunch question group set for additional attendees.

I know there’s a tick box to “use attendee #1 info for all attendees” but I just want to force that to happen without having Pat need to make a choice about it. Can I force that option to be set? Can I make the option not visible? What if it’s there and Pat ignores it leaving the option not set?



  • Support Staff

March 17, 2023 at 4:02 pm

Hi there,

Can you link me to the event s I can view your set-up?

The reason I’m asking is because this:

I only have the Lunch question group set for additional attendees.

Doesn’t fit with the copying the attendee info questions.

So you want Pat to only choose a single meal type and that to be copied to all registrants?

Can I force that option to be set?

We don’t have the option for it, but it could be done with some custom JavaScript.

Can I make the option not visible?

Sure, again, you’ll need a custom code for it but it’s possible.

What if it’s there and Pat ignores it leaving the option not set?

This I don’t follow, if it’s there and she uses it, it copies the answer to the meal question to all? If it’s not there, she doesn’t use it and has to select each meal. If it’s there and she ignores it then she has to select each meal the same as the previous one.

Unless I’m misunderstanding what you are asking.

Michael King

March 17, 2023 at 5:39 pm

No, I, in this hypothetical, I want Pat, the company admin who won’t be attending, to order what ever it is that sales people Chris and Jamie want. I just need to associate Chris and Jamie to Acme Co so their lunch tickets go in the Acme Co packet.

Here’s the link


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2023 at 3:17 am

What you have now is the way I would advise setting this up.

You have the ‘Company Name’ field only requested for the primary registrant and then the meal choice is requested for each individual registrant.

I assume the company name would remain the same for all group bookings?

Or is that why you are looking at using the above checkbox so that you can autofill the company name and they can change it per registrant if needed?

That checkbox only copies the data input into the primary registrant fields into any matching fields on the registration form, so it doesn’t have any effect when you aren’t requesting those questions for additional registrants.

Michael King

March 20, 2023 at 10:27 am

you have now is the way I would advise

Good to hear I’m catching on to this. Not going to mess with it any more after reading that 🙂

I assume the company name would remain the same for all group bookings?

Yes, price of entry is per company, so it has to be the same.

That checkbox only copies the data input into the primary registrant fields into any matching fields on the registration form, so it doesn’t have any effect when you aren’t requesting those questions for additional registrants.

I think that’s the explanation I was looking for.

Thanks! I think this one can be closed.


  • Support Staff

March 20, 2023 at 10:49 am

If you’re always using that same setup, you could hide that checkbox completely with some CSS.

Right now all it will do is copy the dinner selection across to the additional registrants which likely isn’t a huge time save on your registration forms 🙂

Michael King

March 20, 2023 at 12:09 pm

always using that same setup

no, this is pretty much a one-off. It’ll be fine.

all it will do is copy the dinner selection across to the additional registrants which likely isn’t a huge time save

Yeah, I think I’m good with what I have.

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