
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Font colors missing – only have black

Font colors missing – only have black

Posted: May 24, 2023 at 12:37 pm

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Lauren Slocum

May 24, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Since the update I only have black as a font color – how can I get the colors back?


  • Support Staff

May 24, 2023 at 12:51 pm

Hi Lauren,

What software did you update; WordPress, your theme, Event Espresso?

What color are you expecting something to be and what page? Can you give us a link?

Lauren Slocum

May 24, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Both word press and event espresso were updated. The button in the toolbar no longer has a choice of colors, only black.


  • Support Staff

May 24, 2023 at 12:55 pm

Hi Lauren,

What button on what toolbar? Can you send a screenshot?

Lauren Slocum

May 24, 2023 at 12:57 pm

How do I attach an image?

Lauren Slocum

May 24, 2023 at 1:48 pm

the reply option does not seem to have a way to attach a file try this


  • Support Staff

May 24, 2023 at 1:50 pm

You need to host the image and post a link, we have some options here:

Or send them to support[at] and we’ll take a look there.

Lauren Slocum

May 24, 2023 at 3:51 pm


  • Support Staff

May 24, 2023 at 4:39 pm

Try clicking the down button next to the A button:

Lauren Slocum

May 25, 2023 at 7:44 am

That’s the problem, there is no arrow. There used to be


  • Support Staff

May 25, 2023 at 8:15 am

I see the down arrow button in your screenshot:

Lauren Slocum

May 25, 2023 at 5:20 pm

ahhh, a separate button, sorry about that. thank you

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