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Following up two previous topics

Posted: July 11, 2024 at 7:27 pm

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Somatic Practice

July 11, 2024 at 7:27 pm

Hello –

We had two previous topics which ended with a note from your side, indicating that the issues had been forwarded to your developers. Those two topics are now closed, so I am following up to see whether there’s been any progress on resolving them.

Topic 1:

We had ended by saying we’d found a workaround of cancelling and then re-approving the waitlist registration, which removed the duplicate charge, and you recommended we go ahead with that as a temporary fix. However, we are now seeing double prices on normal registrations as well – these appear to be registrations that we transferred, either to a different ticket within an event or from one event to another, using the Attendee Mover plugin. The previous ticket shows as cancelled in some cases, but on the transaction the customer is still being charged as if it were an approved registration, when they attempt to pay any balance due.

The workaround we came up with (cancelling and then re-approving the waitlist registration) is not feasible for our transferred tickets, since they are already showing as having been cancelled during the transfer process. We are hoping you’ve gained some insight in the meantime that would help us here.

Topic 2:

In this topic, we considered the possibility that the Promotions plug-in was a factor, so at that time we disabled promotions on our site. We later determined that the recipient shortcode in the “CC” field for some message templates was also an issue, and so we changed our templates at the same time. However, we recently needed to re-activate Promotions for an individual registration this week, and we have had multiple message failures since then. Some of the other registration problems mentioned in that thread have persisted, and since re-activating Promotions we’ve had a number of registrations not work as expected. I’ve disabled the plug-in again but we do need to be able to use it.

In this thread you’ll also note (see May 9 replies) that I mentioned instances where a transaction or registration record is created with no Primary Registrant attached. I also know of at least two registrations that have disappeared entirely and can no longer be found in Event Espresso – they are, however, in the May 9 staging site we created when working on the problems described in this topic. I will create a separate support topic with more detail on this question, since it is a fairly serious one – I bring it up now because I did previously mention it as part of this notification topic. I don’t know whether it’s related.

We had hoped that the recent EE update might resolve these issues, since you closed the forum posts where we asked about them. However we did update EE and WordPress today, on a testing site, and unfortunately we are seeing the same problems persist. We’ll be doing these updates on our live site tomorrow morning, since our testing today did not reveal any glaring new problems.

Have you had any further insight into any of these issues?

Thanks so much,


  • Support Staff

July 11, 2024 at 11:53 pm

Topic 1: I don’t have news yet, but will ask our tEEm for an update.

Topic 2:
We’re very sorry that we missed to inform you that the fix update was pushed on the last version. .20 Can you try and test it?


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