
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Follow up on Previous Ticket for empty confirmation box during registration

Follow up on Previous Ticket for empty confirmation box during registration

Posted: July 16, 2024 at 9:37 am

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July 16, 2024 at 9:37 am

Hello, Heather, a client I work with at Starnet had a few questions for support. This is in reference to support ticket:

Please see below:

Tony – when we have issues, you always come to the rescue with organized and thorough feedback. I appreciate that so much. I’ve been adding the events to our website via API from our FileMaker database. It’s a bit of a puzzle sometimes and I guess I’m missing a few pieces. So, I have a script that creates the ticket for the event and sets the following:

JSONSetElement ( “{}” ;
[“TKT_name” ; “Free Registration” ; JSONString];
[“TKT_end_date”; EVENTS::wpdy_esp_ticket_TKT_end_date_formatted ; JSONString];
[“TKT_qty”; 150 ; JSONNumber];
[“TKT_order”; 1 ; JSONNumber];
[“TKT_row”; 1 ; JSONNumber]

I think I see what you are saying about the PRT_ID and PRC_name. So what is the most efficient way to set this up via the API? Can the same PRC_ID (price object) be referenced/reused for all of our events because they are all the same (free registration)? If that were the case, maybe I just need a new script to set all the tickets to the same PRC_ID? Would that work? Can it be done from the tickets resource script above or would I need send that separately to the ticket_price table? If you could give an example, it would be great.

Also, you say “every datetime should be assignned at least one ticket.” Our events are always free and our multi-day events are always one unit… we don’t have different kinds of tickets for each day. When they register, they are registering for that entire multi-part event. So, in that type of situation, does each datetime still need a ticket assigned or is it okay the way I’ve been doing it?

Actually, Tony, since I wasn’t sure of the best way to correct what I was doing wrong with the API, I used the script as it was… planning to correct the PRT_ID issue in the SQL table directly for the time being. But when I went into the SQL table to change PRT_ID to 1, it was already one. So I tested registration for the events I had added and they didn’t result in that little blank dialog box issue. So I’m not sure if I still need to do things differently or not. The little blank dialog box wasn’t a problem when I originally started adding events via API from FileMaker… it just started happening all of the sudden… and now it seems to have gone away. I am into doing things the right way, so if I need to make changes in how I use the API, I want to. Just let me know what you think when you have time. -Heather

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