
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium First Data Issue Charge total always 0:00

First Data Issue Charge total always 0:00

Posted: November 16, 2012 at 6:24 pm

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November 16, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Hello Guys,

My First data and PayPal forms never seem to populate the chargetotal fields? Can anyone tell me why?

Here is the de-bug info

at curl_process, incoming data:
debugging = 1
host =
port = 1129
keyfile = /hsphere/local/home/zeezel/
configfile = 1124000
ordertype = SALE
result = LIVE
cardnumber = 16676
cardexpmonth = 1
cardexpyear = 12
chargetotal = 0.00
name = Charles Marsh
address1 = 43 The STreet
city = Salford
state = t
phone = 01223 333333
email =
addrnum = 43
zip = M50 2X

sending xml string:
SALELIVE16676112Charles Marsh43 The STreetSalfordtM50 2Xcharlesemarsh@hotmail.com01223 333333431124000/hsphere/local/home/zeezel/

it does state:

Error: SGS-020005: Error (Merchant config file is missing, empty or cannot be read).

But its there and should be ok?


  • Support Staff

November 17, 2012 at 9:09 am

Hi there,

Are the gateway files in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/gateways and template files in /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates out of sync with the files in the core plugin? These will override the files in the core plugin, so if these were copied over from a previous version, they will need to be removed or updated.

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