
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Filtering by attendance status

Filtering by attendance status

Posted: December 16, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Church Missionary Society NSW & ACT Ltd

December 16, 2013 at 11:07 pm

WordPress – 3.7.1
Event Espresso –
This is a new installation
Add-ons installed: JSON API, Ticketing Services and Roles & Persmissions.
We don’t have a registration page. Registration was handled by another website and we have imported all the data into EE for ticket scanning purposes only.

I haven’t been able to find a feature allowing me to filter, on the Event Espresso screen, the list of attendees for a particular event that are currenly marked or unmarked as Checked-in. I believe this is a very basic function so I would be very surprised if such a feature does not exist. I realise the complete list can be exported to Excel and then filtered there quite easily but I think being able to do this without having to export the whole file is quite a basic requirement. Does anyone know whether I’m missing something here. If this is not available, is there any chance EE developers could include this feature in an upcoming upgrade?

Thanks for any help you can offer.



December 17, 2013 at 1:14 am


There isn’t a filter for it unfortunately. It is a good idea and one I will add to the feature request list, but I cannot say if or when it would be added as we are currently focusing most of our development time on version 4.0.

Church Missionary Society NSW & ACT Ltd

December 17, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Hi Dean, thanks for your prompt reply.
Is there any chance of including this type of filtering in version 4
I’m really surprised a basic feature like this has not already come up in your software development process? Event managers always need to take a look the list of attendees that have not yet shown up in order to make decisions, especially if one of those attendees is a key participant in the respective event. Our event checks-in 1100 children every morning 6 days in a row (using 8 different events for different age groups). Half of these children are taken elsewhere on buses. Knowing how many of the expected children are not there when the buses are scheduled to leave is very important for us. We also need to check them out so again, knowing if any child is yet to be checked-out as they return on the same buses 4 hours later is very important as we don’t want any children left behind. Having to manually revise multiple lists with over 200 children each (or having to export the data to Excel) is rather inconvenient and error prone when having a strict time schedule to follow and limited resources.

Thanks again for your attention to this matter and we look forward to seeing an improvement in this area in due course. Despite this we think Event Espresso will make the job much easier for us this year so great job on a very useful piece of software.



December 18, 2013 at 1:26 am


Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated, especially having an example of how a setting like this is used in a real world situation.

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