Posted: February 1, 2013 at 7:41 am
Looking at February’s events and the Month filter is not showing events on the 2nd or 3rd of the month, but shows the rest of the month and some of March. Saw this in EE 3.1.29 & now in 30.1. The events show if I select “This Month”,in the event list, calendar and if I select all and order by start date, but I can’t find them with filters. |
That’s strange. How many events are in your system? Do the missing events have the times and dates filled in? |
All the events have time and date and were mostly generated by the Reoccurring Event generator, including these. The dates and time show correctly in the calendar, in the event list where and when they should, and also if I do a live search. |
So, are you saying that the issue is because of the 50 record cuttoff? If so, are you suggesting that the setting to display x records at a time should be saved once it’s set? Just trying to clarify the issue and what needs to happen. |
Peter, You should still be able to view the deleted events, and the attendees in them, using the filters. |
So this is what I have showing, at the top of the screen, for this years events, with all of last years events deleted.
Using any of the above filtering produces the result I expect for all non deleted events. Below this we have the “Filter Month” ,”Filter Category” and “Filter Status” drop down selectors and buttons. The filter month selector only shows this years results and not any of the deleted events. Selecting the Month of “February 2013” here is failing to show all of February and adding in some March and since I have over 50 events in this Month I only can see 50 events of any month selected. So two problems here 1) error in filtering and 2) unable to see all events as the restriction is 50 events. |
Thanks for this Peter. I have been looking into this, your explanation helps. Would it be possible to email me a dump of all your event tables? That will really help to debug this issue a little quicker. |
Seth do you want the exported events file or the db files? If the db files just the event tables or all the EE tables? |
The db files for all of the EE tables, please. |
Seth, I have emailed them to you. Thank you for looking into this. |
Hey Peter, I figured this out 🙂 I’ll see if we can post a hotfix later today. |
Hey Peter, The hotfix has been posted, it’s in version |
Thanks guys. I have just updated and a some quick feedback for you: |
I will look into #2. Do you remember which deleted events had attendees? |
Seth, |
The Event Overview has become next to useless this morning. I have 71 events in March and there is absolutely no way I can get to see this weekend’s events on the page. March 2nd and 3rd events just will not show, no mater how I try to filter. The events show on the event list and calendar and all the information for the event itself looks correct. Seth your login is still active if you wish to see for yourself. |
Peter, We are releasing a beta for 3.1.31 today. I have fixed some aspects of the filtering, which will hopefully help. |
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